El área de Bienestar Universitario de la Universidad del Sinú, seccional Cartagena, en alianza estratégica con el Instituto Distrital de Deportes y Recreación – IDER; participó en la gran Ciclovía Dominical en honor a la celebración del día de los …
La escuela de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad del Sinú seccional Cartagena en conjunto con el Grupo Argos, realizó en el auditorio Saray Castilla de Bechara de la sede Santillana el V Conversatorio Sobre Funciones de la Ingeniería Civil: El …
En el marco de la celebración del décimo aniversario de la especialidad en Anestesiología, se llevó a cabo el V Simposio de Residentes de Anestesiología: “Analgesia Regional Ecoguiada en el Perioperatorio: Un Enfoque Desde la Evidencia”, el cual tuvo lugar en …
During the week of October 10 to 14, the University of Sinú received 11 students, 3 teachers and 3 directors of the Dentistry program of the Norbert Wiener University (Peru), who participated in the Summer School "OMI ...
From the area of Basic Health Sciences and Postgraduate Studies of the University of Sinú, Cartagena section, the Update Symposium on Basic Sciences Applied to Clinical Specializations was held in its tenth version, with the aim of integrating the …
From the area of Social Projection and Extension, the schools of Dentistry, Nutrition and Dietetics, Optometry, Psychology, Nursing and with our residents in the specialties of Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Gynecology, in alliance with the Development Cooperation Foundation...
Within the framework of the International Mental Health Day, from the subject of Care for Persons with Mental Health Disorders and with the aim of promoting good practices, students in the 7th semester of the school…
In commemoration of the Day of the Dentist, the II National and International Congress of Dental Specialties was held, this with the purpose of generating academic spaces for the transfer of knowledge, public dissemination of science, debate and socialization of the…