45 years of academic excellence.

The University of Sinú Elías Bechara Zainúm is a higher education institution, founded in 1974, of a private, non-profit common utility nature, which has legal status through resolution No. 4973 of December 2004, issued by the Ministry of Education National.

The university was born in order to satisfy the citizen need to advance higher studies in the liberal areas of knowledge of legal, administrative and accounting sciences, in its beginnings, expanding its offer of services over time to other areas of knowledge such as They are the human sciences, art and design, health sciences and engineering.

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Elijah Bechara Zainum 

Founder of the University of Sinú Elías Bechara Zainúm 

Born in Santa Cruz de Lorica in 1920. He studied Chemistry at the University of Cartagena and specialized in Biochemistry and Laboratory in Mexico and Texas USA

Upon his return, he practiced his profession in Barranquilla and became a professor at the Universidad del Atlántico, alternating time between the laboratory and research. He invented the delayed formula of Penicillin (Pensolvox), sold for distribution to the Own laboratory in Colombia.

Based in Montería, he wanted to contribute to the development of the region, flourishing his vocation as a teacher and founding, in 1962, the Lorica Agricultural Institute, ITA.

In 1964 he created the first University in the region: the University of Cordoba, of which he was founder and twice Rector. But his capacity for dedication and his altruistic spirit continued and in 1965, he created in Montería the first departmental night high school on the Atlantic Coast.

Supports the opening of the INEM Lorenzo María Lleras, providing the land for its construction. Likewise, it supports the creation of the Cecilia de Lleras School and the approval of the José María Córdoba National School.

In 1974 he created the Cordoba Higher Education Corporation, which in 1980 became the Sinu University Corporation, the first private higher education center that today enjoys a great tradition and regional and national prestige.

At the same time, the doctor ELIAS BECHARA ZAINUM, held positions of local, regional and national order, of importance among which are: Councilor of the municipalities of Montería, Cereté and Los Córdobas: Mayor of Montería and Senator of the Republic; he was the first Regional President of SENA; first President of Public Improvements; President of the Association of Higher Education Institutions of the Atlantic Coast; President of the Board of the Hospital San Jerónimo de Montería; first President of the Cotton Growers Association of Córdoba; first President of the Urrá Project.


Elías Bechara Zainúm, like few other men, has been able to enjoy in life the recognition that Cordoban society and the Colombian community in general have done for his noble and altruistic work, contributing to the construction of a more cultured and fairer Colombia.

Among the multiple distinctions it has received, the following stand out:

  • Order José María Córdoba, Department of Córdoba.
  • Francisco de la Torre y Miranda Order, Municipality of Montería.
  • Medal of Merit "Libardo López Gómez", Departmental Assembly of Córdoba.
  • Plaque of the Association of Higher Education Institutions of the Atlantic Coast, ASIESCA.
  • Plaque of the Colombian Association of Private University Institutions, ACIUP.
  • Order of Boyacá, Degree Commander Presidency of the Republic.
  • Medal of Educational Merit, Government of Córdoba.
  • Recognition Plaque, Departmental Assembly.
  • Antonio de la Torre y Miranda Bicentennial Medal.
  • Los Zenúes Medal, Council of Montería.
  • Shield of the National Police, National Police.
  • Recognition and Exaltation, University of Córdoba.
  • Recognition Plaque, ICETEX – Colombian Institute of Educational Credit Abroad.
  • Recognition Plaque, ASCUN – Colombian Association of Universities.
  • Simón Bolívar Academic Order, Simón Bolívar University.
  • Plaque of Recognition, ASIESCA – Association of Higher Education Institutions of the Caribbean.
  • Distinction TRICHECHUS MANATUS, CVS – Corporation of the Sinú and San Jorge Valleys.
  • Recognition Plaque, Association of Municipalities of Alto Sinú and San Jorge.

Other institutions that have recognized the work of our Founding Rector through plaques and parchments are: Colombian Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education, ICFES; Colombian Institute of Educational Credit and Technical Studies Abroad, ICETEX; Javeriana University Pontifical Rector's Office; General Management of the Colombian Agricultural Institute, ICA; National University of Cordoba; Mayor of the municipality of Los Córdobas; Mayor of Santa Cruz de Lorica; Association of Teachers of Córdoba, ADEMACOR; Association of Journalists of Córdoba, ASPECOR; Association of Directors of the Educational Center of Córdoba, ADIMACOR; Administrative Department of Security, DAS; Cordoba Police Department.

Bust to the Founder. The University of Córdoba honored Dr. Elías Bechara Zainúm, unveiling the bust of its Founding Rector, located in the gardens of that Institution.

The work of Elías Bechara Zainúm is a source of pride for the people of Cordoba, and his personality, always characterized by his simplicity, his generosity, his honesty and his entrepreneurial spirit, is a permanent proposal as a model to be followed by new generations.

respect for people

It is the maximum bastion of the professional and the man as an individual in his development in society. At the University of Sinú -Elías Bechara Zainúm- respect must be given to people, their values and their beliefs; respect for rights and clarity in the fulfillment and demands of mutual responsibilities.

Ethical values

They must be respected by each and every one of the members of the Universidad del Sinú, both in their internal and external relations with clients, the community and the State. These values are: Honesty, Justice and Integrity.


It is the continuous improvement in internal processes and the elevation of the quality of life of man. At the Universidad del Sinú, it is the commitment of all its members. Its purpose is focused on the comprehensive training of professionals with sufficient theoretical and practical structuring to adequately respond to the needs and demands of the region and the country to achieve higher levels of competence.

Social responsability

As social beings that we are, we must show a sense of solidarity with others, deliberately and consciously participate in actions that result in the well-being of our society. We are responsible to ourselves, to our families and to society.


Making training and research consistent with the conditions, needs and requirements of the surrounding environment are part of the University's work. Therefore, professional guidance seeks to respond to these conditions proactively, in such a way that they contribute to the transformation of the context.

Research, innovation and creativity

Train people with a spirit of research and creation of new and different things, capable of facing the challenges that arise in their personal and professional performance with a multitude of options, in the face of scientific developments and the permanent changes in society, knowledge and of the information.

human development

Each of the members of the community must keep alive the desire for constant improvement in the different fields of action. The University, for its part, becomes a facilitator and guide of such a process through continuous and permanent education.

The search for knowledge and truth

It refers to the exercise of intelligence and knowledge as dynamic actions in the sustainable development of the region and the Colombian nation. The ability to recognize that within oneself there is a lack of knowledge and the desire to fill this deficiency.


It is the duty of the University of Sinú – Elías Bechara Zainúm seek the integral formation of the person through the conservation, transmission Y developing of The science Y culture in search of the truth and generation of knowledge, to achieve harmony and identity of the human being in himself, society and with his environment, creating a global society, more lfree, cultured and fair.

Comprehensive training includes the transcendental, philosophical, ethical, moral, social, cognitive, affective and physical dimensions of the person, which give foundation to the dignity and respect of the human person.

Education as a transmitter of culture and human values decides to be of quality in order to generate an impact on the student and become a lifestyle for them and their teachers.


We will be a nationally and internationally recognized University for the high quality of its programs, its faculty, its students and graduates, with a clear sense of belonging and committed to the comprehensive development of the region and the country; We will permanently interact with the academic, scientific and social communities seeking the generation of pertinent knowledge and sustainable development that allows the resolution of problems, influencing the improvement of the quality of life of the population.

The institutional accreditation, the international certification of accredited academic programs, the appropriate management of technology and knowledge, the implementation of master's and doctorate degrees, the third-level qualification of its professors, scientific and student mobility and the internationalization of its processes, will constitute the strategic platform for the fulfillment of our vision.

In the same way, identity is visualized projecting it to the environment Social through consulting services and guidance to the less favored population.


We believe in the freedom of man as a natural right without distinction of race, color, sex or religion.

The will of man and the respective academic merits are enough for him to have the right to be part of our academic community under the ethical and moral principles inspired by our founder.

Our first responsibility is to the students; for the integral formation of leading men, with criteria, generators of their own future, of society and their family.

Our university work must be of the highest quality.

Your needs must be attended to promptly and correctly, with dignity and respect.

The faculty and the administration must be competent and their actions fair and in accordance with ethics.

Students, professors and employees must feel in a position to unite, with a strong team spirit and freely exercise their creative capacity.

There should be equality of opportunity, development and progress for those who deserve it.

Research must be the axis of our activity. We must be pioneers; innovate, experiment, develop more and better programs and services. Stimulate progress, change, continuous improvement and preserve the fundamentals.

We are accountable to the communities in which we live and work. We must extend our actions to the communities, favoring the most unprotected and needy classes. Support philanthropic, charitable and civic initiatives.

When we operate in accordance with these principles, our academic community should receive a just recognition of the duty fulfilled by its founders and benefactors.

At the Universidad del Sinú, the BEING is conceived as a man of integrity, wisdom, and useful to society through his social performance.

The Values that are intended to be promoted with the programs are based on respect for life and human rights immersed in a regional culture with global awareness.

The value system comprises seven dimensions in which the terminal values are presented, which refer to idealized final states, and the instrumental values, which refer to idealized modes of conduct (Virtues) that will allow providing an integral formation to the student and achieving the achievement of the Mission of the University and the search for the achievement of the terminal values.

The values that will serve as the axis for the development of capacities, promotion of attitudes (virtues), and that will guide the development of skills in the students of the University, seek to affect the dimensions: Transcendental, personal, family and social, ethics, moral and religious in which the person develops.

The terminal values that are intended to instill and develop in students are intended to generate harmony in the individual, between being and doing. (identity) with the knowledge that, through wanting as maturation in love, provide the basis to achieve happiness and wisdom with the other and for the other, promote an identity that makes him a fair, free and consistent person with his condition, location and historical moment. (Responsible commitment).

The way to achieve these terminal values requires developing instrumental values or human virtues understood as an attitude, stable and firm disposition, habitual perfection of understanding and will that regulate our actions, order our passions and guide our behavior according to reason and faith. . They provide happiness, mastery, and joy in leading a morally good life. The virtuous individual is one who freely practices good and acts accordingly.

The values that are intended to develop and mature in the students, teachers and other people of the University include the solidarity through personal recognition, the recognition of others and diversity, which bears peace, satisfaction and develops the capacities of dedication and participation, the foundation of life in society, the basis for the development of human dignity and exercise of the professions.

The wisdom It is based on respect for natural laws, the cultivation of understanding and imagination, the development of science, advice, prudence (straight rule of action) and strength (firmness and perseverance in acting), to Act accordingly.

This terminal capacity is complemented by the Justice which consists of the constant and firm will to give each one what is due. For its development, it is necessary to cultivate strength (ensures firmness and perseverance), prudence (straight rule of action that disposes practical reason to discern the best in all circumstances and choose the right means to carry it out The cautious man meditates his steps), and temperance as an attitude that moderates the attraction of instincts and seeks balance; facilitates the control of the will over these and keeps the desires in the limit of honesty with moderation, sobriety and piety.

Freedom as a natural capacity and faculty, it will allow the student to act in accordance with his opinion, for which he is responsible for his actions. The development of a moral conscience (understood as a judgment of the reason by which the human person recognizes the moral quality of a specific act that he or she intends to do, is doing or has done. Conscience is a law of our spirit, but that goes beyond it, it gives us orders, it means responsibility and duty, fear and hope), it is the essence of autonomy.

Liberty acted accordingly and fairly confers on the individual faith, dignity, identity and will allow you to give meaning and engage with life, with individuals, with the community, with society and with culture.

The abilities derived from these instrumental values constitute the mental steps for the development of the virtues and with these of the capacities or values.

As its name indicates, value implies valuation and this change, then, the values can change, hence the attempt to search for and build universal and absolute values that we intend to cover in the curricular guidelines of the University through teaching. research and service of social projection, basic functions of the contemporary university that is immersed within the explicit human values in the Mission of the University within a project of Nation and Culture, which we think the country requires to be viable.


It is made up of the acronym of the Institution, accompanied by a spike that symbolizes power, hope and faith in the man we form. The power because when the spike germinates, its seed spreads everywhere; hope because the spike germinates despite storms and droughts giving way to other spikes. The raison d'être of our symbol, we have interpreted it as the desire of the university that the dream of each student who enters it becomes, based on the entrepreneurial spirit, an authentic seed that disdains living life in a sterile way and he yearns with enthusiasm, perseverance and intelligence to germinate in his realization as a spiritual being, as a man of integrity, as an excellent professional; so that the guiding light of the principles and values of the philosophy of our founder Elías Bechara Zainúm always shines.


Red symbolizes the strength and vigor that should characterize us. White, peace and tranquility. Strength and strength, peace and calm, wave from the flagpole, invigorated by the breeze that freely runs through the valley of the vertiginous flow of the Sinú River that gives our Institution its name, content and representation.

The Babilla

All members of the community must adapt, as our mascot has done, to the different changes imposed by society. The babilla is an animal capable of adapting to different situations, no matter how difficult they may seem, easily overcoming climatic changes, droughts, and harsh winters, which is why it has been able to survive for millennia.



From Sinu in the high sky shines with radiant light a bright star called UniSinu.

Work is of a restless man, always full of illusion who, overcoming every challenge, made his great dream come true.

From your ear the seeds, everywhere have germinated, look, what a great wonder! They have given us rich fruits. From your classrooms, like crucibles, of pure gold already emanate, graduates, who like suns, will shine in your sky.

Students and professors in a great brotherhood, let us pay many honors to our university. Alma Mater, Alma Mater, you give us a lot of love, you shape our character and make men of value.

Comrades, the future is in our hands with commitment in the study we can achieve it El Sinú who is proud of this his University asks the Almighty to give you great prosperity

Future generations will always be with you because in their hearts you will have known how to take root; and the echo of your name that with strength and emotion has reached the summit will be heard throughout the nation.

Lyrics and Music: Tiburcio Romero.
Creation: October 20, 1995

The shield

The Shield is made up of the institutional logo, the flag, the institutional motto and the year of foundation, it is made in chrysocal, pin and brooch fixation, enameled, gold-plated, lacquered and is carried by the members of the Unisinian community. The Institutional Shield is delivered at graduation ceremonies, graduates, distinctions and in recognition of years of service in the Institution with a precious stone, as follows: for 5 years, ruby shield; 10 years, sapphire; 15 years, emerald and 20 years, diamond.


“THAT THIS FLAME DOES NOT EXTINGUISH”: light, strength. May this flame, which is light, knowledge, life and joy, the foundation of our values, our greatness and strengths, remain lit and be the engine to be managers who transform the country and the world.

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