Our history

After founding the first public university in Córdoba, the University of Córdoba, several secondary education institutions and an intermediate education entity, Elijah Bechara Zainum decides that a university that satisfies the interests of citizens in areas of knowledge such as administrative sciences, jurisprudence and health sciences is still necessary and that is how the CHigher Education Corporation of Córdoba- CESCO the April 29, 1974 where Business Administration programs were offered at a technical-professional level, languages, Educational Administration and Social Work.

Yellow house. CESCO's first headquarters.

In 1980 the law program, which became the engine of institutional development, taking into account that its operation gave life to the Center for Legal, Social and Political Research (Agreement 045 of July 10, 1982) as an essential tool for promoting research and the development of other academic programs.

First university campus buildings

Later, according to Resolution 13000 of August 30, 1984, the CESCO became a university institution under the name of Corporación Universitaria del Sinú - CUS and, consequently, the programs of Social workBusiness Administration and Languages, they go from the professional intermediate technical level to the professional level; the latter referred to hereinafter as Bachelor of Modern Languages.

In order to respond to the needs of the regional and Colombian environment with the training of professionals of excellent professional quality, the CUS diversified the offer of undergraduate programs. Thus, the demand for qualified human resources required by the nascent industrial macroprojects in the region, such as the Urra I and Cerromatoso SA hydroelectric plants, was met. In this way, the Preschool Degree programs were created (1985), the Public accounting (1989), the programs of Mechanical Engineering, Electric engineeringSystems engineer Y Architecture (1994). As a result of the creation of these programs, there was an academic-administrative restructuring with the creation of the Faculties of Economic SciencesAdministrative and Accounting; Educational Sciences, Science and Engineering and, Architecture that housed the programs created.

In 1993, when the coverage of health services was 23%, Law 100 was approved, whose main objective is to guarantee universal social security coverage for the Colombian population. This challenge was interpreted by the CUS assuming the commitment to make its contribution to provide a solution to the great deficit of health professionals raised, and made the decision to create the Faculty of Health Sciences, with the Programs of Medicine Y odontology since 1996 and later with the creation of the Programs of NursingSurgical instrumentationPhysiotherapy Y Psychology and with the extension of the Medicine and Dentistry Programs to the city of Cartagena (1999). These extensions met the quality requirements based on which they were opened and allowed the Cartagena Headquarters obtained the quality of Sectional in the year 2000.

The creation of the Departments of Basic Sciences and Humanities (1995), today Unisinú Common Curriculum Department – CCU, greatly favored interdisciplinarity, curricular flexibility and the comprehensive training of our students.

In 1997, according to Resolution 0274b of February 9 and with the purpose of encouraging the teaching-research articulation, the Center for Social and Political Studies, CUS, today with a production of significant importance in the study of regional problems and a national and international reference in the issue of conflict and social post-conflict, derived from the confrontation of the armed groups against the State, a conflict in which the Department of Córdoba has been one of the most affected and with the highest number of victims.

Historical milestone in the Institution is the incursion in the offer of postgraduate studies, thanks to the agreements signed with the Universities of Cartagena, Medellín and the CES, which allowed to launch the Management Specializations in Human Resources, Auditing and Statutory Auditing, Law Administrative and Criminal Law and Criminology. This experience laid the foundations for offering, under the full responsibility of the institution, specializations in various areas of knowledge starting in 1998. Today, postgraduate courses offer 12 specializations, including the Specialization in Pediatrics.

At the beginning of the new millennium and in response to the dynamics of globalization, the Sinú University Corporation provides new training spaces for high school graduates in the region with the offer of programs in Social Communication, International Business, Economics, Technology in Administration and Banking, Systems and Information Technology, Civil Engineering and Industrial Engineering. In this way, the growth of the CUS was strengthened and consolidated as the private university institution with the greatest impact, since it offers the greatest diversity of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in the region.

The recognition of the character of the university for this institution it happened through resolution 4973 of December 29, 2004. This was made official on March 18, 2005, through an academic act that was attended by the Minister of National Education, among other personalities from the country and the region. According to Resolution No. 445 of February 6, 2007 of the Ministry of National Education, the new corporate name of the institution is: University of Sinú – Elías Bechara Zainúm, which is the official name it currently holds.

Permanent has been the institutional work towards continuous improvement supported by the culture of self-assessment at the institutional and program levels, having as a starting point the agreed definition of indicators and action plans aimed at guaranteeing sustained and growing development. In these terms, the Universidad del Sinú assumes new challenges related to high-quality accreditation processes and the creation of master's programs. Acting accordingly, the request for verification of quality conditions was submitted to the National Accreditation Council –CNA, an entity that certifies institutional compliance with the initial conditions required to submit academic programs to the high-quality accreditation process, in 2005.

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