On-site Degrees Ceremony 2022-1P

In an emotional ceremony held in the Saray Castilla de Bechara auditorium of the University of Sinú, Elías Bechara Zainúm, Cartagena Section, the graduation of the thirty-fourth promotion of professionals and specialists took place, of which 249 took the degree of professionals and 11 specialization.
The ceremony was preceded by our rector Dr. Rolando Bechara Castilla, directors, teachers, students and parents, who complied with all biosafety protocols for the performance of this solemn act.
Likewise, our new professionals and specialists received a blessing from the institution's chaplain, Father Yamil Martínez, who addressed them with an emotional reflection after completing his years of study at our alma mater.
Subsequently, the diplomas were delivered to all the graduates who with dedication culminated their academic cycle in our institution, which trains students who exalt our philosophy inspired by ethical values and principles.