Currently, the Library area offers a large number of services with a view to strengthening the academic and research performance of its student community, which is why, and taking into account the express information needs of our community, we have the following services:

Consultation in room
The Library has reading spaces, group tables and individual cubicles so that the student community can access all the books and consult them within the facilities.
External loan
The Elías Bechara Zainum Library makes available to its student community all the documentary materials that make up the collection, so that active users can take them home for a certain time depending on the internal policies of the Library.
Internal loan
The Elías Bechara Zainum Library makes available to its student community all the documentary materials that make up the collection, so that active users can take them to laboratories, classes, sites outside the library for a limited time, depending on internal library policies. library.
Interlibrary Loan
Through this service, active users of the Universidad del Sinú can access documentary material from other university libraries, with which the Elías Bechara Zainum Library has an agreement through ASOUNIESCA.
Reservation of Spaces
The Library has spaces that can be requested and reserved by its student community, taking into account the internal policies of the Library.
Library Training
The Library makes training available to its active academic community, in the use of the resources subscribed by the University of Sinú.
Library Induction
From the Library area we are committed to inducing the student community in the services offered, in the basic and advanced search process in the Library's automation catalog (siabuc in version 9).
Bibliographic Support
The Library places at the disposal of the academic units, to carry out referential searches within the physical and virtual collection according to specific topics requested by the user.
Reference Service
From the Library area we are committed to the academic and research training of the student community, which is why we offer the assisted reference service, in which the user can count on all the information resources that we have available (search for information, articles, syllabus searches, etc.), with a view to strengthening their professional training progress during their stay at the Universidad del Sinú.
Automated Catalog
The automated Catalog of the Elías Bechara Zainum Library offers the opportunity to consult online the existence, table of contents, availability and location of bibliographic material in the Library.