
Program Manager




- Description
- Mission - Vision - Principles and Values
- Program History
- Professional profile
- Occupational profile
- Study Plan 1401
- Plan de Estudio 2201
- Jefe del Programa
- teachers
- Enrollment Guide
- Registration requirements
- Selection process
- Enrollment Guide

The Nursing program of the Universidad del Sinú, Cartagena Section, comprehensively trains human talent in this area with quality, with a spirit of responsibility, high ethical values in the qualified provision of Nursing care to contribute to the development and well-being of the population. person, family and community in the health situation in which they find themselves and in the social and ecological context in which they are immersed. It is a fundamentally interdisciplinary program because through its comprehensive approach, it combines biological, psychosocial, humanistic and cultural disciplines, responding to new trends in Nursing education to meet the demands and needs of the community in the 21st century.

The Nursing program's mission is to comprehensively train human talent in Nursing with quality, with a spirit of responsibility, high ethical values in the qualified provision of Nursing care to contribute to the development and well-being of the person, family and community in the situation of health in which they find themselves and the social and ecological context in which they are immersed.
The Nursing program seeks to lead in 2030 the comprehensive training of Nursing professionals in our region and the country according to the health needs and priorities that society demands of Nursing, promoting its development and its permanent improvement within a framework legal, moral and ethical.
The School of Nursing coordinates its principles in accordance with the mission and the PEI through a plurality of integrated actions and interactions, constituting an axiological environment so that an academic and educational community is shaped and consolidated.

The Nursing Program of the University of Sinú Elías Bechara Zainúm - Cartagena Section was created by Agreement No. 002 of February 15, 2001, a rule issued by the Honorable Superior Council of the institution, this program is attached to the Faculty of Sciences de la Salud and received its first Qualified Registry through Resolution No. 6798 of November 1, 2006, added by Resolution No. 1266 of March 16, 2007 issued by the Ministry of National Education.
Posterior a la obtención de su primer registro calificado el programa inicio sus labores académicas en la Ciudad de Cartagena el 09 de febrero de 2007 con un pequeño grupo de estudiantes con vocación y con la intención de lograr formarse profesionalmente como enfermeros. A la fecha el programa de Enfermería ha contado con 4 directores de programa, la Enfermera y Magister en Educación Ruth Ballestas Uribarren, primera directora del programa, quien además participo en la creación de la especialización en enfermería neurología y neuroquirúrgica , posteriormente en 2013- II toma la dirección de la escuela Gloria María Navarro Arquez, Enfermera Especialista en Cuidados Intensivos, en abril del 2014 al 2021 asumió el cargo de la escuela la enfermera Guillermina Saldarriaga Genes, Enfermera, Magister en Gerencia del Talento Humano y Magister en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva, desde esa dirección se gestaron 2 programas interdisciplinarios: Maestría en Salud Pública y Maestría en epidemiologia, además de dos especializaciones: Enfermería Materno Perinatal y Cuidado de Enfermeria em Urgencias. A partir de septiembre de 2023 a la fecha asumió la dirección de la escuela la Enfermera y Magíster en educación con mención en pedagogia Martha Liliana Gómez Rojas.
The Nursing program of the Universidad del Sinú was born taking into account that nursing is a liberal profession and a discipline of a social nature, whose subjects of care are the person, the family and the community, with their socio-cultural characteristics, their needs and rights. , as well as the physical and social environment that influences health and well-being.
The exercise of the nursing profession has the general purpose of promoting health, preventing disease, intervening in treatment, well-being and contributing to a dignified life of the person and bases its practice on solid and updated knowledge of the biological, social sciences. and humanistic and in their own Nursing theories and technologies, this is how the nursing professional exercises his practice within an interdisciplinary, multiprofessional and transdisciplinary dynamic, and contributes to the sectoral and intersectoral work his knowledge and skills acquired in his university training and updated through experience, research, and continuing education.
Taking into account the above context, the nursing professional performs their functions in the areas where the person lives, works, studies, recreates and develops, and in the institutions that directly or indirectly provide health care.
In this sense, the mission of the nursing program is to comprehensively train human talent in nursing with quality, with a spirit of responsibility, high ethical values in the qualified provision of nursing care to contribute to the development and well-being of the person, family and community in the health situation in which they find themselves and the social and ecological context in which they are immersed.
Tomando en consideración los avances del programa de enfermería, en el año 2014 se presenta a la Asociación Colombiana de Facultades de Enfermería ACOFAEN, esta asociación envía una delegación para la verificación de las condiciones de calidad, la delegación estuvo integrada por la enfermera Miriam Duran Parra presidenta de ACOFAEN y el enfermeiro Oscar Javier Vergara Escobar secretario de la misma, es así como se recibe la aprobación para ingreso del programa en período de transitoriedad, esta categoría permite voz, pero no votación; sin embargo, pertenecer a dicha comunidad facilita el intercambio de experiencias y saber que fortalece el quehacer entre pares de tan connotadas cualidades éticas y académicas.
In 2019, after two self-assessment processes and the implementation of improvement plans (2016 and 2018), the Nursing program presents the documents established by Decree 1295 of 2010 for renewal of the qualified registration, the program was presented to the Ministry of National Education - MEN and receives a visit from the academic peers designated by the MEN on July 27 and 28, 2020 in order to renew its qualified registration, evaluate and analyze by the Colombian State the contributions and relevance that the program generates in the Educational System, this is how on July 21, 2021 Renewal of the Qualified Registration of the program is granted for 7 years.
The Nursing program has not only envisioned training from the undergraduate level, but has also worked so that its standards and competencies go beyond this level, which is how in 2018 it began its processes to submit to evaluation by of the Ministry of National Education to receive qualified registration at the postgraduate level. To date, the Program has two (2) master's degrees attached to its structure in the following order:
- On April 4, 2019, registration is received to offer the Master's program in Epidemiology - Resolution No. 003550
- On October 22, 2020, registration is received to offer the Master's program in Public Health - Resolution No. 019923.
- El 24 de mayo de 2023, se recibe registro para ofertar el programa de Especialización em Enfermería Materno Perinatal – Resolución 008546.

Promotion of self-care in different social contexts and comprehensive care
Related to being:
- Capable of assessing the general and Nursing health situation of the person, family or community in which they work.
- Able to criticize and communicate relevant concepts about Nursing diagnoses and interventions, to find a place in the health situation that the person, family or community presents.
Knowledge related:
- Able to identify, locate and interpret knowledge in the scientific, political, cultural, technological, social context and at a national and international level.
- Able to combine their humanistic and ethical knowledge, with the scientific-technical ones, when exercising their profession.
Related to doing:
- Able to provide efficient and quality Nursing care, according to each health situation experienced by the person, the family or the community, where they exercise their professional role.
Promotion of educational processes aimed at improving living and health conditions
Related to being:
- Able to estimate the educational needs of people, healthy or sick, in the natural environment and situation in which they find themselves.
- Able to assess the importance of teaching in the formal or non-formal training of human talent in Nursing.
Knowledge related:
- Capable of acquiring, contrasting, applying and evaluating the necessary knowledge to develop educational actions, according to the requirements presented by the people or the social context.
Related to doing:
- Able to work as a teacher in educational health processes for the population, as well as in the training of human talent in Nursing.
Management of services, health projects and other Nursing activities
Related to being:
- Capable of valuing their role as leader in conducting Nursing or health services in general, as well as in the work teams that are formed.
- Able to estimate the importance of leading the right decision making, oriented to quality management and social service.
Knowledge related:
- Able to understand, analyze and apply the knowledge they possess when exercising their role as leader in the processes of administration and management of health services and Nursing.
Related to doing:
- Able to perform as a leader of health services and Nursing itself.
Research: for the development and improvement of the field of Nursing, solution of health problems and the search for new care models.
Related to being:
- Able to assess the importance of research, for the creation and verification of knowledge, as well as for proposing solutions to society's health problems.
- Able to estimate the importance of adopting research as a work tool to keep relevant and updated the knowledge necessary for optimal professional practice.
Knowledge related:
- Able to understand, analyze and apply knowledge about the scientific method to carry out orderly and reliable research studies.
Related to doing:
- Able to investigate about Nursing care, new forms of interventions, and their quality.

Promotion of self-care in different social contexts and comprehensive care
- Nurse (o) hospital services for children, adolescents, women and adults and older adults.
- Community services nurse for primary care, outpatient care and home care in the different entities and sectors of society
- Nurse in emergency services and intensive care.
- Nurse in Psychiatry and Mental Health services.
Promotion of educational processes aimed at promoting healthy living
Management of health services and projects
Investigative: For the development and improvement of the Nursing field

Resolution: 16729 of November 20, 2013. Valid until May 20, 2022
PROGRAM NAME | Nursing |
TITLE GRANTED | nurse (or) |
PROGRAM LEVEL | undergraduate |
METHODOLOGY | Face-to-face |
MAIN KNOWLEDGE AREA | Health Sciences |
DATE OF THE STANDARD: | February 15, 2001 |
DURATION OF THE PROGRAM: | Nine semesters (each of 18 weeks) |
Date of renovation | November 20, 2013 |
Validity | November 20, 2020 |
ADDRESS: | The Forest, transversal. 54 No 30 - 453 Santillana Campus Headquarters |
TELEPHONE: | 6810802 |
NUMBER OF ACADEMIC CREDITS: | 162 academic credits |
NUMBER OF QUOTES | 50 students |
THE PROGRAM IS ASSIGNED TO: | Faculty of Health Sciences |
WORKING DAY | daytime |
POPULATION TO WHICH THE PROGRAM IS ADDRESSED | Professionals in the area of Health Sciences. |
- First semester
- Second semester
- Third semester
- Fourth semester
- Fifth semester
- Sixth semester
- Seventh semester
- Eighth semester
- Ninth semester
First semester | |
Subject | Total credits |
Cell Biology, Integumentary System, Hematopoietic | 3 |
Pathophysiology of the Cell, Integumentary System, Hematopoietic | 3 |
Cell Morphology, Integumentary System, Hematopoietic | 3 |
Introduction to Propedeutics | 1 |
Historical development of the profession | 7 |
Elias Bechara Chair | 1 |
Total | 18 |
Second semester | |
Subject | Total credits |
Biology of the Neuroendocrine, Cardiopulmonary and Renal System. | 3 |
Pathophysiology of the Neuroendocrine, Cardiopulmonary and Renal System | 3 |
Morphology of the Neuroendocrine, Cardiopulmonary and Renal System | 3 |
Propaedeutics Integumentary System, Hematopoietic, Neuroendocrine and Cardiopulmonary System. | 2 |
Context of local, national and international health | 7 |
Total | 18 |
Third semester | |
Subject | Total credits |
Biology of the Osteomuscular, Digestive and Reproductive System. | 3 |
Physiopathology of the Osteomuscular, Digestive and Reproductive System | 3 |
Morphology of the Osteomuscular, Digestive and Reproductive System | 3 |
Propedeutics of the Renal, Digestive and Reproductive System. | 2 |
Basics of Basic Care | 7 |
Total | 18 |
Fourth semester | |
Subject | Total credits |
General Pharmacology | 3 |
Care for the person in the surgical and emergency process | 12 |
Epistemology | 1 |
General psychology | 1 |
Elective I | 1 |
Total | 18 |
Fifth semester | |
Subject | Total credits |
Care of the Adult and Older Adult and their family | 12 |
Environment | 3 |
Biostatistics I | 2 |
Elective II | 1 |
Total | 18 |
Sixth semester | |
Subject | Total credits |
Caring for the woman and her family | 12 |
Research I | 2 |
Biostatistics II | 2 |
Socio Anthropology | 1 |
Elective III | 1 |
Total | 18 |
Seventh semester | |
Subject | Total credits |
Caring for children and adolescents and their families | 12 |
Research II | 2 |
Epidemiology | 2 |
General Ethics and Bioethics | 1 |
Health Elective I | 1 |
Total | 18 |
Eighth semester | |
Subject | Total credits |
Care for the person with alterations in Mental Health | 12 |
Project I | 2 |
write to publish | 1 |
Leadership and Productivity | 1 |
Health Elective II | 1 |
Thought and Language | 1 |
Total | 18 |
Ninth semester | |
Subject | Total credits |
Care Management | 12 |
Project II | 2 |
political constitution | 1 |
Deepening Seminar | 2 |
professional ethics | 1 |
Total | 18 |

Resolution: 013125 of July 21, 2021. Valid until July 21, 2028
PROGRAM NAME | Nursing |
TITLE GRANTED | nurse (or) |
PROGRAM LEVEL | undergraduate |
METHODOLOGY | Face-to-face |
MAIN KNOWLEDGE AREA | Health Sciences |
DATE OF THE STANDARD: | February 15, 2001 |
DURATION OF THE PROGRAM: | Nine semesters (each of 18 weeks) |
Date of renovation | July 21, 2021 |
Validity | July 21, 2028 |
ADDRESS: | The Forest, transversal. 54 No 30 - 453 Santillana Campus Headquarters |
TELEPHONE: | 6810802 |
NUMBER OF ACADEMIC CREDITS: | 166 academic credits |
NUMBER OF QUOTES | 50 students |
THE PROGRAM IS ASSIGNED TO: | Faculty of Health Sciences |
WORKING DAY | daytime |
POPULATION TO WHICH THE PROGRAM IS ADDRESSED | Professionals in the area of Health Sciences. |
- First semester
- Second semester
- Third semester
- Fourth semester
- Fifth semester
- Sixth semester
- Seventh semester
- Eighth semester
- Ninth semester
Subject | Academic credits |
Biology of the Cellular, Integumentary, Hematopoietic and Osteomuscular System | 3 |
Physiopathology of the cellular, integumentary, hematopoietic and osteomuscular system | 3 |
Morphology of the cellular, integumentary, hematopoietic and osteomuscular system | 3 |
Introduction to Propedeutics | 1 |
Propedeutics of the Cellular, Integumentary, Hematopoietic and Osteomuscular system | 1 |
History and Models of care in Nursing | 2 |
general psychology | 1 |
Elias Bechara Chair | 1 |
Subject | Academic credits |
Biology of the Cardiac, Pulmonary and Neurological System | 3 |
Pathophysiology of the Cardiac, Pulmonary and Neurological System | 3 |
Morphology of the Cardiac, Pulmonary and Neurological System | 3 |
Propaedeutic Cardiac, Pulmonary and Neurological System | 2 |
Health context at local, national and international level | 2 |
Nursing care processes | 2 |
Communication skills | 3 |
Subject | Academic credits |
Biology of the Endocrine, Digestive, Renal and Reproductive System. | 3 |
Physiopathology of the Endocrine, Digestive, Renal and Reproductive System. | 3 |
Morphology of the Endocrine, Digestive, Renal and Reproductive System. | 3 |
Propedeutics of the Endocrine, Digestive, Renal and Reproductive System. | 2 |
Math Foundations | 3 |
Fundamentals of Basic Nursing Care | 7 |
Subject | Academic credits |
General Pharmacology | 3 |
Nursing care for the person in surgical and emergency processes | 9 |
Nursing the individual, family and community | 6 |
Socio Anthropology | 2 |
Subject | Academic credits |
Nursing care for women, couples and families | 9 |
applied pharmacology | 2 |
Statistics | 3 |
Free Choice Course I | 3 |
Constitution and Society | 1 |
Subject | Academic credits |
Nursing care for infants, children, adolescents and families | 9 |
Elective I | 2 |
Biostatistics | 2 |
Ethics and Bioethics | 2 |
Research I | 2 |
Free choice course II | 3 |
Subject | Academic credits |
Nursing care for people with Mental Health disorders | 9 |
Health promotion and communication | 2 |
Research II | 2 |
Epidemiology | 2 |
professional ethics | 1 |
Elective II | 2 |
Subject | Academic credits |
Nursing care for adults and older adults and their families | 9 |
Research III | 3 |
Management and administration of nursing services | 3 |
Legal responsability | 1 |
Health Education | 4 |
Subject | Academic credits |
Nursing Care Management | 6 |
Research IV | 3 |
Entrepreneurship and Innovation | 3 |
Elective III | 2 |
Artistic and Cultural Creation | 2 |


Enfermera, magister en educación. Docente investigador (Minciencias). Miembro de la comisión de salud mental de ACOFAEN. Integrante del grupo de investigaciones Cuidado de la vida y salud- Categoría A.
LINDSAY PAOLA HAIRSTYLE VALENCIA ![]() JEFE DE PROGRAMAEnfermera, magister en educación. Docente investigador (Minciencias). Coordinadora de semillero de la Línea Gestión del Cuidado de Enfermería, Miembro de la comisión de salud mental de ACOFAEN. Integrante del grupo de investigaciones Cuidado de la vida y salud-categoría A |
JULIAN PATRICK MANRIQUE MCLEAN ![]() NursingEnfermero, especialista en gestión gerencial, magister en administración MBA, candidato a doctor en administración |
SHIRLEY FERNANDEZ ARAGON ![]() NursingEnfermera, Especialista en gestión de la calidad y auditoria en salud, Magister en Enfermería con énfasis en salud a las personas y a los colectivos. Investigador asociado de Minciencias; Con entrenamiento de Coaching con PNL, y Formación en PNL y Coaching de liderazgo. |
KEYDIS SULAY RUIDIAZ GOMEZ ![]() NursingEnfermera, Magister en Enfermería con énfasis en cuidado a las personas y a los colectivos, Doctora en Enfermería. Investigador Asociado I (Minciencias). Integrante del Grupo de Investigaciones Cuidado de la vida y la salud-Categoría A. |
MERCEDES BY ALBA ROMERO ![]() NursingEnfermera, especialista en salud familiar y comunitaria, Maestrante en salud Colectiva, coordinadora de internacionalización del programa de Enfermería Miembro de la RED de enfermería del adulto Mayor. |
ELIANA PATRICIA CARRILLO DIAZ ![]() NursingEnfermera, Contadora Publica. Especialista en Gestión de la Calidad y Auditoria en Salud, Maestrante en educación con énfasis en Tecnologías de la información. Coordinadora de posgrados de enfermería. |
JOSÉ HAMER CHACÓN PABUENA ![]() NursingEnfermero, Especialista En Gestión de la Calidad y Auditoria en salud, con experiencia en Auditoria de calidad y sistemas de Información de IPS, ESEs, EAPBs y Ente Territorial, Asesor para el mejoramiento de la calidad en atención primaria en salud. |
FAISULLY FANELLY FERNANDEZ POMARE ![]() NursingEnfermera, candidata a Maestría de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva, Coordinadora del área fundamento básicos. |
ALEXANDRA DEL PILAR GUTIERREZ GORDON ![]() NursingEnfermera, Especialista en Cuidado de Enfermería Neonatal, Facilitadora de AIEPI Comunitario y de Escala abreviada del Desarrollo III. |
PAOLA PATRICIA LOZANO JULY ![]() NursingEnfermera, Especialista en Enfermería en el Cuidado del Adulto y Niño en Estado Crítico de Salud, candidata a Maestría en Farmacología. Coordinadora de área de Cuidado crítico y del área de salud mental. |
ANDREA SOFIA MORA LEÓN ![]() NursingEnfermera, Especialista en Gestión de la Calidad y Auditoria en Salud. Candidata a Maestría en enfermería en Salud Mental. |
BERÓNICA MARÍA NEGRETE MEJÍA ![]() NursingEnfermera, especialista en gestión del talento humano, diplomada en docencia universitaria. |
KAREN PAOLA CEBALLOS LLAMAS ![]() NursingEnfermera, Especialista en Gestión de la Calidad y Auditoría en Salud, con amplia experiencia en calidad, auditoría de concurrencia, cuentas médicas, contratación, gerencia en salud y docencia universitaria. |
ANGIE PAOLA FLOREZ PADILLA ![]() NursingEnfermera, maestrante en Epidemiologia. |
ILSE ESTHER JULIO GONZÁLEZ ![]() NursingEnfermera, especialista en Cuidado Critico, entrenada en terapias de reemplazo renal: diálisis peritoneal y terapias lentas continuas, Maestrante en educación con énfasis en Tecnologías de la información. |
YOLIMA OCAMPO OROZCO ![]() NursingEnfermera, especialista en salud familiar y comunitaria. Coordinadora área de extensión, proyección social y educación continua. |
KENNY LORENA ESPAÑA PION ![]() NursingEnfermera, Especialista en Gestión de la calidad y auditoria en salud. Magister en auditoria y sistemas de la calidad en servicios de salud. Coordinadora de bienestar del programa de enfermería. |
KELLYS JOHANA FONTALVO DURANGO ![]() NursingEnfermera, especialista en gerencia en servicios de salud y seguridad social, magister en gestión de organizaciones, con gran trayectoria en gestión de riesgo en salud y experiencia administrativa. |
JOSÉ HERNÁNDEZ SÁNCHEZ ![]() NursingEnfermero, Magíster en auditoría en sistemas integrales de salud, Miembro de la Junta de asociación Nacional de enfermeros de Colombia. |
ESAYDA MARÍA MORALES ORTIZ ![]() NursingEnfermera, Especialista en Gerencia de Servicios de Salud. Coordinadora de los servicios de urgencias, sala de parto y AMEU de la Clínica Maternidad Rafael Calvo. |
FABIOLA CAMARGO ROMERO ![]() NursingEnfermera, especialista cardiorrespiratorio. Magister en tecnologías digitales aplicadas a la educación. Coordinador disciplinar del programa de Enfermería. |
ADRIANA CAROLINA MONTAÑO MARTINEZ ![]() NursingEnfermera, Especialista en gestión de riesgo laboral. Maestrante en Educación. |
MARIA DANIELA CASTELLON MUÑOZ ![]() NursingEnfermera. Maestrante en Salud sexual y Reproductiva. Docente de practica formativa. |
INGRID CAROLINA JARAMILLO ZAPATA ![]() NursingEnfermera. Coordinadora de hospitalización de la Clínica Maternidad Rafael Calvo. |
CLAUDIA DEL CARMEN MEZA BARRIOS ![]() NursingEnfermera, Especialista en Cuidados críticos en neonato, pediátrico y adulto. |
CAROLINA ALEJANDRA FULLEDA LOPEZ ![]() NursingSecretaria programa de enfermería |

- new students
- Reentry and Reimbursement Students
- Estudiantes de Transferencias Externas y Entre Sede
- Estudiantes de transferencias Internas
- Foreign Bachelor
- Formulario de Inscripción firmado y con las fotos pegadas en el lugar correspondiente
- Volante de Inscripción (Descargar en el paso 5 del formulario de inscripción)
- Resultados Examen Saber 11°Icfes
- Copia de Acta de Grado o Diploma de Bachiller o Certificación de estar cursando grado 11°
- Copia documento de identidad legible
- Recibo de servicio público Energía
- Certificado afiliación EPS
- Carné de vacunas Hepatitis B, Varicela, Tétano y Fiebre Amarilla (Aplica para programa de Medicina y Curso de Transición a la Universidad CTU)
- Oficio de la Dirección de Escuela autorizando al aspirante iniciar el proceso
- Formulario de Inscripción firmado y con las fotos pegadas en el lugar correspondiente
- Volante de Inscripción
- Copia documento de identidad legible
- Recibo de servicio público Energía
- Certificado afiliación EPS
- Oficio de la Dirección Académica autorizando al aspirante iniciar el proceso
- Formulario de Inscripción firmado y con las fotos pegadas en el lugar correspondiente
- Volante de Inscripción
- Resultados Examen Saber 11°Icfes
- Copia de Acta de Grado o Diploma de Bachiller
- Copia documento de identidad legible
- Recibo de servicio público Energía
- Certificado afiliación EPS
- Certificado de buena conducta de la Universidad de origen
- Certificado de calificaciones de los semestres cursados
- Contenido programático de las asignaturas aprobadas, detallando créditos académicos, horas teórica y prácticas
- Oficio de la Dirección de Escuela respectiva autorizando al aspirante iniciar el proceso
- Formulario de Inscripción firmado y con las fotos pegadas en el lugar correspondiente
- Volante de Inscripción
- Copia documento de identidad legible
- Recibo de servicio público Energía
- Certificado afiliación EPS

Interview: 20%
SABER 11 tests: 80%
- ENGLISH: 20%

Admission to the program for which you were admitted will be made official by legalizing the Financial Enrollment and Academic Enrollment.
- Financial Enrollment
- Academic Enrollment
- Enrollment Foreigners Admitted
- Refund of the Tuition Value
- If you are admitted to the chosen program, you will be informed at the registered mail in the registration form, the general results can be consulted on the website.
- Enter the registration form on the Platform and in step 5. Print your Registration Form (use Laser Printer)
- Pay at the Bank established in the payment voucher only the corresponding value, meeting the established dates that appear on the payment receipt.
- Después de realizado el pago de la matrícula en el banco asignado, remitir el volante con el sello del banco legible al correo Indicando en el asunto del correo: PROGRAMA Y NOMBRE DEL ESTUDIANTE.
The sole consignment in the established bank does not give the applicant the character of matriculation.
As a requirement for signing the Academic Enrollment, you must present the following documents:
- Photocopy of the membership card of the Social Security System in Health, (EPS SISBEN)
- Photocopy of the vaccination card for Hepatitis B, Meningitis and Tetanus, (Faculty of Health Sciences)
- Photocopy of the vaccination card for Hepatitis B, (School of Psychology).
As a requirement for signing the Academic Enrollment, the admitted applicant must present the following documents:
- Photocopy of the membership card of the Social Security System in Health, (EPS SISBEN)
- Photocopy of the vaccination card for Hepatitis B, Meningitis and Tetanus, (Faculty of Health Sciences)
- Photocopy of the vaccination card for Hepatitis B, (School of Psychology).
- Valid photocopy of the student visa.
- Photocopy of the passport. Immigration photocopy if you are not a national of Colombia.
Generate your payment receipt through the platform Elysa and you can pay in cash, cashier's check and debit or credit card (Visa or Mastercard) at the offices of Western Bank.
You can also finance your studies with the following entities.