Dear Unisinuan Student

La Universidad del Sinú Elías Bechara Zainúm seccional Cartagena, en procura del bienestar de la comunidad estudiantil y personal administrativo, ha dispuesto el siguiente procedimiento de legalización de matrículas con financiación externa.


El estudiante o padre de familia podrá solicitar un crédito en cualquier entidad financiera por cualquier monto, siempre y cuando el desembolso se realice mediante cheque de gerencia a nombre de la universidad o desembolso directo al titular del crédito. En este caso sólo debe realizar el pago de la matrícula depositando el cheque en Banco de Occidente o Bancolombia con el volante de matrícula del estudiante.

If you are going to RENEW your COOACEDED credit (The previous semester you legalized your registration with Cooaceded):

  1. The affiliate must request the credit before the Cooaceded cooperative. The Cooperative will be in charge of notifying the student and the University about the approval of the credit.
  2. The student updates his data and that of his joint and several debtor in the following link Click here

If you are going to change the joint and several debtor, you must notify the email in advance to request an appointment for the signing of internal guarantees.

3. Send the renewal request to the mail indicating your personal data (full name, code, program, cell phone). You must attach the updated registration flyer and utility bill.

The information will be validated and your request will be answered within a maximum period of 3 business days. To avoid email congestion, please submit your request only once. These types of renewals will not be accepted in emails other than the one indicated.

If you are going to legalize your registration with Cooaceded for the first time:

  1. The affiliate must request the credit before the Cooaceded cooperative. The Cooperative will be in charge of notifying the student and the University about the approval of the credit.
  2. The student updates his data and that of his joint and several debtor in the following link Click here
  3. Send the renewal application to the mail indicating your personal data (full name, code, program, cell phone). You must attach the updated registration flyer and utility bill.

Once the information has been verified, within a maximum period of 3 business days, an appointment will be assigned to sign guarantees or the instructions for signing non-face-to-face guarantees will be sent to you, as applicable. To avoid email congestion, please submit your request only once. Credit legalizations cooaceded in emails other than the one indicated will not be attended.

PSE online payment: Login through your platform ELYSA. Attach transaction support to email

Face-to-face payment at a bank branch: In the invoice indicate the name of the bank

If the bank registered on the invoice does not have offices in your place of residence, please inform

Payment options

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