The Unisinú International Summer School is an international training project of the Elías Bechara Zainúm University of Sinú, managed by the International Relations Department of the Sinú University in Alignment with the Academic, Research, and Social Projection Department, which consists of the development of training courses by competences, higher, specialized, own and in international cooperation of the university; that allows national and foreign students to access high-level training with a complement of offer in tourist, cultural and sports services, which make the School the best option in terms of Academic Tourism.
- Accredit university studies or, failing that, a degree that empowers you to access them.
- Adapt to the profile of the student required in each course.
- Have made the registration payment.
- Enrollment is exclusively online. It can be done through this page or directly at the International Relations Office, Santillana Building.
- Adapt to the profile of the student required in each course.
- Have made the registration payment.
- Enrollment must be made by entering online enrollment and accompanied by the following documentation:
- Photocopy of identity document or passport.
- Photocopy of the university degree or enrollment certificate for this academic year.
- Brief CV
- Also, if applicable, the following must be provided:
- For UNISINÚ students or workers: Document that certifies the status of active student or administrative and service staff of the University.
- For residents in national territory outside the City of Cartagena: Citizenship Certificate / Immigration Certificate.
- Bank transfer certification (only in cases where that form of payment is selected) that must be sent to the following address:
- If all the requested documentation is not attached, the registration will be cancelled.
External students who are foreigners must validate what type of Visa they have and if it
allows you to enroll in the courses of the International Summer School.
If the student travels to Colombia only to take the summer course, the Office of
International Relations will send you a letter inviting you to the course, including the dates
course duration. Upon entering the country, the student must submit it in
immigration. The officer must put a stamp in the passport, specifying the days
authorized to be in the country, followed by a PIP or PTP notation.
If the student is already in Colombia, they must take the invitation letter to Migration
Colombia to obtain the annotation in your passport.
All courses are taught in Spanish, so foreigners with a mother tongue other than Spanish must prove B2 level sufficiency with an international certification, except for foreigners who wish to enroll in the Spanish as a Second Language course.