MISSION                            VISION

STRUCTURE                    REPORTS                    SERVICES


  • Promotion of justice.
  • Recognition of human dignity and human rights.
  • Recognition of the person and the family.
  • Strengthening of peace.
  • Respect for equality.
  • Help and legal orientation to the community.
  • Generation of dialogue spaces.
  • Support for the comprehensive training of students.
  • Peaceful resolution of conflicts.
  • Respect for people: It is the maximum bastion both for the professional and for the man as an individual in his development in society. At the Universidad del Sinú Elías Bechara Zainúm Seccional Cartagena, respect must be given to people, their values and their beliefs; respect for rights and clarity in the fulfillment and demands of mutual responsibilities


  • Ethical values: They must be respected by each and every one of the members of the Universidad del Sinú, both in their internal and external relations with clients, the community and the state. These values are: Honesty, Justice and Integrity.


  • Quality: It is the continuous improvement in internal processes and the elevation of the quality of life of man. At the University of Sinú Elías Bechara Zainúm Sectional Cartagena, it is the commitment of all its members. Its purpose is focused on the comprehensive training of professionals with sufficient theoretical and practical structuring to adequately respond to the needs and demands of the region and the country to achieve higher levels of competence.


  • Social responsability: As social beings that we are, we must show a sense of solidarity with others, deliberately and consciously participate in actions that result in the well-being of our society. We are responsible to ourselves, to our families and to society.


  • Lin search of knowledge and truth: It refers to the exercise of intelligence and knowledge as dynamic actions in the sustainable development of the region and the Colombian nation. The ability to recognize that within oneself there is a lack of knowledge and the desire to fill this deficiency.


  • Human development: Each of the members of the community must keep alive the desire for constant improvement in the different fields of action. The University, for its part, becomes a facilitator and guide of such a process through continuous and permanent education.


  • Research, innovation and creativity: Train people with a spirit of research and creation of new and different things, capable of facing the challenges that arise in their personal and professional performance with a multitude of options, in the face of scientific developments and the permanent changes in society, knowledge and of the information.


  • Relevance: Making training and research consistent with the conditions, needs and requirements of the surrounding environment are part of the university's work. Therefore, professional guidance seeks to respond to these conditions proactively, in such a way that they contribute to the transformation of the context.


  • Freedom and autonomy: Understood as the capacity for self-determination, allows man the full exercise of his freedom and responsibility with others and with himself. In the university, they advocate the strengthening of personal autonomy and the exercise of autonomy enshrined in the constitution and the law.