The University of Sinú and Sena Bolívar benefited from Colciencias Call

The University of Sinú, Cartagena Section, together with the National Learning Service (SENA) Bolívar Section, participated in call 793 carried out by COLCIENCIAS, with the aim of promoting the protection of products developed in the different entities and that are susceptible to patents ; For this reason, the development of a collaborative work of the two entities has resulted in a prototype design, in which professionals from different disciplines participated.
It should be noted that the idea was born in the Surgical Medical Postgraduate Course in Anesthesiology, which has been materialized with the great participation of the research group of SENA (Center for the Petrochemical Industry), which little by little was consolidated jointly to obtain the best results.
Likewise, the Coordinator of Science and Technology of the Universidad del Sinú, Jairo Martínez, said: "it is an important advance in the achievement of the strategic objectives of the university and the fulfillment of the mission of the Research Directorate, it has been a process complex, but finally, little by little, it has been built with the human team of the two entities and the financial support provided. This project is a model to follow of collaborative work between two entities”, he pointed out.