1) How to Login - Unisinú Virtual Campus

To enter the unisinú virtual campus you must follow the following steps:

  1. Go to the page of the university of sinú unisinucartagena.edu.co 
  2. In the upper menu, go to the virtual campus tab.  Click here to enter
  3. The username and password are the last 5 digits of your student card, if you have problems with the password, go to the option "Forgot your username or password?" follow the steps and change the password taking into account the following specifications. The password must have a minimum of 8 characters, uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special characters.
  4. If you tried to recover your password, check your spam, the software sends a form for you to apply the password change, if after doing this step you do not see the email then you must write to campusvirtual@unisinucartagena.edu.co requesting that your email be registered. 

2) Realization and delivery of activities Campus Virtual Unisinú

  1. Communicate with the teacher through the platform or the means established for the virtual course.
  2. Determine the spaces in which the activities will be delivered.
  3. Observe the calendar of academic activities proposed by the teacher.
  4. Download the materials assigned to the course.
  5. Do not forget that virtual courses require the same rigor as face-to-face courses.


3) Participation in Unisinú Virtual Campus forums

  1.  To enter the proposed topic forum
  2. We headed to activities and entered forum for questions and concerns.
  3. We will visualize the topic proposed by the teacher, we enter it to make a reply from the "Answer" option.
  4. Remember that you can add a new discussion topic if the teacher allows it, then fill in the form fields to propose your topic.
  5. Attach files if necessary and send.
  6. When you return to the main page you will see aspects that you consider important within the same forum, you can answer and send and that's it.

4) Overview of the course, download resources and entry of activities - Campus Virtual Unisinú

  1.  To download resources for your activities such as pdf, photos, excel or word files, among others. Access the subject you are looking for.
  2. Enter the week of classes.
  3. You see the statistical presentation by clicking
  4. You enter learning resources and enter a link that is enabled to view those resources.
  5. When you return to the main page you will be able to see activities and evaluations.
  6. Then, to send your completed activity, click on add delivery: write, attach, upload file and that's it.
  7. You can go back to the beginning by clicking on the week of activity.

1) Login - Unisinú Virtual Campus

  1. You must enter the web address virtual.unisinucartagena.edu.co.
  2. Go to the access option.
  3. In the first field write the username of elysa.
  4. In the second field, for those who enter for the first time, they must write their identification number.


2) - Activate Unisinú Virtual Campus edition

  1. From the overview of the course and when the user has a teacher role in the selected course, they must go to the actions icon to enable the configuration options.
  2. Select the "enable editing" option.
  3. Then locate the activity or resource to modify from the "edit" option of it (activity and/or resource).
  4. Choose the preference option to show or hide.

3) Update of Weeks- Unisinú Virtual Campus

  1. Go to the section you want to modify.
  2. Locate the "Edit" option at the top of the section.
  3. Choose the "Edit section" option.
  4. Apply the necessary changes (add image, adjustment or text editing).
  5. We finish with the save option.

4) Activity Management Questionnaire 1- Unisinú Virtual Campus

  1. Go to the option "Add an activity or a resource".
  2. Locate the "Questionnaire" option within the activities category, and then go to the add option.
  3. A form will be displayed where you will find configuration options for the key fields (questionnaire name, activity description, start and end date-time, test duration, password assignment).
  4. Finally save the changes.

5) Activity Management Questionnaire 2 - Unisinú Virtual Campus

  1. Once the questionnaire has been created, a message indicating "No questions have been added" will be displayed.
  2. Go to the edit questionnaire option.
  3. The section of questions added to the questionnaire will be displayed.
  4. Go to the bottom option "Add".
  5. Once you select the add option, a form will be displayed where you fill in data such as Question name, question, possible answer options, below the possible answer option the correct answer will be indicated as 100%.
  6. Finally save the changes.
  7. Finally we will visualize the section where the created questions are.
  8. Go to the add option to register more questions.

6) Task Activities Management - Unisinú Virtual Campus

  1. Go to the option "Add an activity or a resource".
  2. Locate the "Task" option.
  3. Fill in the data in the form with the key fields (Name of the activity, description and/or conditions of the activity, date-time from and until the moment the activity will be enabled, add a file if necessary, indicate the number of files that are allowed to upload, select the type of file that is validated).
  4. Finally save the changes

7) Resource Management (Files) - Unisinú Virtual Campus

  1. Go to the option "Add an activity or a resource".
  2. Locate the "File" option.
  3. Fill in the fields in the key data form (File name, description of the file and/or resource, select the file, image to be published).
  4. Finally save the changes.

8) Link Management - Unisinú Virtual Campus

  1. Go to the option "Add an activity or a resource".
  2. Locate the "Url" option.
  3. Fill in the fields of the key data form (Name of the link, url to which the user will be directed).
  4. Finally save the changes.

9) Resource Management (Page) - Unisinú Virtual Campus

  1. Go to the edit option.
  2. Update the necessary fields, add images, apply styles, remove visible content on the selected page.
  3. Finally save the changes.

10) Deactivate edition and Observe - Campus Virtual Unisinú

  1. Locate the actions icon, go to the "disable editing" option.
  2. The section overview will have the "Edit action" configuration options disabled.