ARTICLE No. 44. CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION “The University will only issue academic or disciplinary information on a student when the student expressly requests or authorizes it, or by court order, without prejudice to the provisions of numeral f) of Article Number 4.” From the Student Regulations
- Course Registration, Group Change, Addition and Withdrawal of Courses
- Certificate Request
- Voluntary retirement

ARTICLE No. 57 OF THE STUDENT REGULATIONS - REGISTRATION OF COURSES CHANGES OF GROUPS, ADDITION AND WITHDRAWAL OF COURSES. The student will make his registration of subjects for each semester, on the dates established by the Academic Calendar, through his self-service. Within the first fifteen (15) business days from the beginning of classes, the student can add, withdraw courses or request changes of groups from their semester program, following the procedures established by the Directorate of Admissions, Registration and Control, and can carry out said self-service request.
- Fill out the Addition and Withdrawal of Courses format Click here
- Send the format filled out for authorization to the email address of the Program.
- Sending of the authorized format by the School Director to the Academic Registration Office within 15 business days of the start of Classes.
- Response from the Office of Admissions, Registration and Academic Control on the completed process.

The Office of Admissions, Registration and Academic Control issues proof of studies and certificates of grades, students and graduates who request certifications of hourly intensity, programmatic contents and pensúm must request them directly at their school address. To request a certificate, keep in mind the following:
- Send your request to the email indicating CODE/SURNAME AND NAMES/No. of IDENTITY DOCUMENT.
- Within 24 hours you will be sent the certificate payment flyer
- Once the payment slip has been paid, you must send it to the email for the corresponding issue.
- The certificate will be sent to your mail within 3 business days of receiving the payment.
- The certificates will be sent to the mail registered in the Institution.

The student may withdraw for reasons of force majeure or fortuitous event and request the cancellation of the academic semester before the Dean by dated written communication, but will respond to the financial commitment acquired with the University of Sinú - Elías Bechara Zainúm. Only the voluntary suspension within the first 15 business days of the start of classes, entitles the 70% to be refunded the value of the registration if the payment was in cash. If the registration payment was financed, the 35% of the value of your registration will be sanctioned. The student may request his reinstatement for the semester following the withdrawal and the subjects that he advanced will be understood as not taken. After the first fifteen (15) business days and up to the eighth week, the student may request his reinstatement for the semester following the withdrawal and the subjects that he advanced will be understood as not taken, without this leading to any refund of the value of your registration.
- Fill out the VOLUNTARY WITHDRAWAL format. Click here
- Send the format filled out for authorization to the email address of the Program.
- Sending of the authorized format by the School Director to the Academic Registration Office within 15 business days of the start of Classes.
- Response from the Office of Admissions, Registration and Academic Control on the completed process.
- Remission of Format to the Administrative Direction in case of applying refund of the 70% of the value of the Enrollment.