Resolución: 3691 de 18 de Marzo de 2022.
Fecha de vencimiento del Registro Calificado: 18 de Marzo de 2029


Program Manager
Dr. Bleidis Vanessa Quintana Perez


9 Semesters

Face-to-face - Day and Night

Professional - Undergraduate
- Description
- Professional profile
- Occupational profile
- Program Manager
- teachers
- Enrollment Guide
- Registration requirements
- Selection process
- Enrollment Guide

The University of Sinú has proposed to turn the study system around, based on the offer of academic opportunities that respond to the needs of the community in general; Under the firm will to incorporate modern technology to the studies, a flexible, agile and globalized curriculum is added, which allows you to be the architect of your learning, at the speed and intensity that you want. That is why, a Law School is offered, with foundations, contents and interpretations oriented to train true interpreters, applicators and creators of Law; professionals capable of influencing the destiny of their society and setting new directions for a progressive, competitive and well-managed region. Our Study Plan contains varied and extensive fields: internal or national affairs, migration problems, criminal justice, international arbitrations, foreign trade, international relations, among others. Finally, we hope to be able to respond to your expectations, assuring you that you can expect the best from this Institution and especially from its School of Law, in the professional, academic and human spheres, as in each of the areas that will offer you the pertinent resources to your needs, our commitment is to train the best leaders and professionals who add value to society, being ethical and committed to the economic, political and social development of the country.

In this context, the training process in the Law Program reaffirms and redefines the purposes established in the PEI. Among the training purposes, it is worth mentioning, among others, the following:
- Help grow "Train" people in the legal sciences through the acquisition of intellectual, moral and technical habits. Train critical, competitive people who are aware of the role of Law as the foundation of a just and humane society, with the dialogical medication of the different legal cultures
- Appropriate a context of relevant knowledge for Law, designed with an approach that favors the growth of the person and the humanization of society.
- development of skills and abilities that allow relating the general rules to the solution of particular cases and the formulation of legal rules from cases.
- development of skills and abilities that allow relating the general rules to the solution of particular cases and the formulation of legal rules from cases.
- Recover the social meaning of the lawyer's role, which must fundamentally serve to improve society. Recovering the right to be educated in the conviction that all professionals must put their best qualities at the service of others.
- Develop a democratic and participatory concept of citizenship, overcoming the restricted concept linked only to the exercise of individual rights and consumer attitudes.
- Integrate the cognitive aspects with the attitudinal and moral aspects of learning, avoiding the current fragmentation and disconnection of the legal professional with his reality.

The Lawyer of the Universidad del Sinú "Elías Bechara Zainúm" Cartagena Section, due to his training based on the formation of habits and the development of virtues, will have the ability to formulate, manage and evaluate projects aimed at achieving a more just and humane society, from the Anthropological, ethical, epistemic and scientific point of view, it can perform in multiple fields of action that are based on man, such as: in the economic, political and social through the interpretation, application and creation of law. In addition, he is prepared and aware of the importance of continuing the various post-graduation studies at their different levels.

Law Program Director

Profesional con 10 años en asuntos jurídicos en ejercicio independiente de la profesión, asuntos de laborales, derecho administrativo, disciplinario, consultora en alto gobierno y políticas públicas para el desarrollo de las regiones. Investigadora reconocida y par de Minciencias.
En el sector académico, cuenta con experiencia docente de 7 años en los cuales ha liderado procesos de investigación y proyección social dentro de los cuales se encuentra la consolidación del Primer Consultorio Jurídico Rosa: Para la atención integral de la mujer bolivarense bajo el respaldo del Programa de Derecho de la Universidad del Sinú “Elías Bechara Zainúm” Seccional Cartagena y la Secretaria de la Mujer y de la Gestión Social del Departamento de Bolivar.
Investigadora del Observatorio de Mercado Laboral de Cartagena, Coordinadora del Instituto Republicano Internacional (IRI), Coordinadora Centro De Documentación Y Transparencia Cartagena – Localidad De La Virgen y Turística, capacitadora ESCUELA SUPERIOR DE ADMINISTRACIÓN PÚBLICA (ESAP) – capacitadora en LA COMITATO INTERNAZIONALE PER LO SVILUPPO DEI POPOLI (CISP), Coordinadora de Proyectos de la Fundación ASENAU Cartagena, Pasante de Investigación en la Cátedra de Cooperación Internacional con Iberoamérica de la Universidad de Cantabria (España), coordinadora de investigaciones y docente investigadora de la Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad Del Sinú́ “Elías Bechara Zainúm Seccional Cartagena” a la actualidad.
Información de contacto:
Sede Plaza Colón primer piso
Teléfono 6517013 Extensión 2080.
BLEIDIS VANESSA QUINTANA PEREZ ![]() School's directorright |
CLAUDIA FLOREZ HERNANDEZ ![]() Directora del consultorio jurí |
FANNIA GUTIERREZ PEÑARANDA ![]() Coordinadora del área de derecho privado del consultorio jurí |
DALIA PRISCILA DAZA KELLY ![]() Coordinadora del área de derecho social del consultorio jurí |
ELIO MONTERO RAMÍREZ ![]() Coordinador de internacionalizació |
ELIZABETH RAMÍREZ LLERENA ![]() Docente investigadora de tiempo |
TANNIS PUELLO MIRANDA ![]() Coordinadora de proyección social y extensió |
MARTHA BENITEZ LEFT ![]() Coordinadora del área de debido proceso del consultorio jurí |
LAURA MARGARITA HERNÁNDEZ DAGER ![]() Docente investigadora de tiempo |
JAVIER DORIA ARRIETA ![]() Docente investigador de tiempo |
ANTONIO LUIS URQUIJO CRUZ ![]() Docente de cá |
EDGAR RAFAEL CÓRDOVA JAIMES ![]() Docente investigador de medio |
KATIA CABALLERO TOVIO ![]() Docente de cá |
NOHELIA ELIZABETH DÍAZ CORREA ![]() Coordinadora del área de derecho penal, fiscal y disciplinario del consultorio jurí |
CARMEN ALICIA NARVÁEZ BAEZ ![]()éfono: 6517013 Extensión 2080 |
ÁLVARO DE JESÚS ÁLVAREZ ECHEVERRÍA ![]() Secretario consultorio juríéfono: 6517013 Extensión 2090 |
MARYNA MOLINA ROMERO ![]() Coordinadora administrativa de consultorio juríéfono: 6517013 Extensión 2090 |

- new students
- Reentry and Reimbursement Students
- Estudiantes de Transferencias Externas y Entre Sede
- Estudiantes de transferencias Internas
- Foreign Bachelor
- Formulario de Inscripción firmado y con las fotos pegadas en el lugar correspondiente
- Volante de Inscripción (Descargar en el paso 5 del formulario de inscripción)
- Resultados Examen Saber 11°Icfes
- Copia de Acta de Grado o Diploma de Bachiller o Certificación de estar cursando grado 11°
- Copia documento de identidad legible
- Recibo de servicio público Energía
- Certificado afiliación EPS
- Carné de vacunas Hepatitis B, Varicela, Tétano y Fiebre Amarilla (Aplica para programa de Medicina y Curso de Transición a la Universidad CTU)
- Oficio de la Dirección de Escuela autorizando al aspirante iniciar el proceso
- Formulario de Inscripción firmado y con las fotos pegadas en el lugar correspondiente
- Volante de Inscripción
- Copia documento de identidad legible
- Recibo de servicio público Energía
- Certificado afiliación EPS
- Oficio de la Dirección Académica autorizando al aspirante iniciar el proceso
- Formulario de Inscripción firmado y con las fotos pegadas en el lugar correspondiente
- Volante de Inscripción
- Resultados Examen Saber 11°Icfes
- Copia de Acta de Grado o Diploma de Bachiller
- Copia documento de identidad legible
- Recibo de servicio público Energía
- Certificado afiliación EPS
- Certificado de buena conducta de la Universidad de origen
- Certificado de calificaciones de los semestres cursados
- Contenido programático de las asignaturas aprobadas, detallando créditos académicos, horas teórica y prácticas
- Oficio de la Dirección de Escuela respectiva autorizando al aspirante iniciar el proceso
- Formulario de Inscripción firmado y con las fotos pegadas en el lugar correspondiente
- Volante de Inscripción
- Copia documento de identidad legible
- Recibo de servicio público Energía
- Certificado afiliación EPS
If you obtained a Bachelor's degree abroad; must be validated before the Ministry of National Education of Colombia in the City of Bogotá, and if he presented state exams equivalent to the Tests KNOW 11°(previously called ICFES tests) outside the country, you must present them in Colombia or carry out their respective validation before the ICFES in the city of Bogotá before completing your enrollment process in any of the Undergraduate programs offered by the Universidad del Sinú Seccional Cartagena.

SABER 11 tests: 100%
- ENGLISH: 10%

Admission to the program for which you were admitted will be made official by legalizing the Financial Enrollment and Academic Enrollment.
- Financial Enrollment
- Academic Enrollment
- Enrollment Foreigners Admitted
- Refund of the Tuition Value
- If you are admitted to the chosen program, you will be informed at the registered mail in the registration form, the general results can be consulted on the website.
- Enter the registration form on the Platform and in step 5. Print your Registration Form (use Laser Printer)
- Pay at the Bank established in the payment voucher only the corresponding value, meeting the established dates that appear on the payment receipt.
- Después de realizado el pago de la matrícula en el banco asignado, remitir el volante con el sello del banco legible al correo Indicando en el asunto del correo: PROGRAMA Y NOMBRE DEL ESTUDIANTE.
The sole consignment in the established bank does not give the applicant the character of matriculation.
According to the dates established in the Admissions calendar, you must go to the Admissions Office to ratify with your signature the commitment made with the institution to attend the courses enrolled.
As a requirement for signing the Academic Enrollment, you must present the following documents:
As a requirement for signing the Academic Enrollment, you must present the following documents:
- Photocopy of the membership card of the Social Security System in Health, (EPS SISBEN)
- Photocopy of the vaccination card for Hepatitis B, Meningitis and Tetanus, (Faculty of Health Sciences)
- Photocopy of the vaccination card for Hepatitis B, (School of Psychology).
According to the dates established in the Admissions calendar, you must go to the Admissions Office to ratify with your signature the commitment made with the institution to attend the courses enrolled.
As a requirement for signing the Academic Enrollment, the admitted applicant must present the following documents:
As a requirement for signing the Academic Enrollment, the admitted applicant must present the following documents:
- Photocopy of the membership card of the Social Security System in Health, (EPS SISBEN)
- Photocopy of the vaccination card for Hepatitis B, Meningitis and Tetanus, (Faculty of Health Sciences)
- Photocopy of the vaccination card for Hepatitis B, (School of Psychology).
- Valid photocopy of the student visa.
- Photocopy of the passport. Immigration photocopy if you are not a national of Colombia.
Admitted students who have paid the total value of the tuition and decide to withdraw from the university, must inform the corresponding school address in writing, complying with the procedures established by the Registrar's Office within the first 15 business days of starting the academic activities and will be entitled to a refund of the 70% of the value paid for registration; After this date, the student may withdraw and request the cancellation of the semester before the Dean, but will respond to the financial commitment acquired with the University of Sinú.
Generate your payment receipt through the platform Elysa and you can pay in cash, cashier's check and debit or credit card (Visa or Mastercard) at the offices of Western Bank.
You can also finance your studies with the following entities.