The Universidad del Sinú – Elías Bechara Zainúm – grants, on dates that it determines opportunely, degrees and academic titles to the students presented to Registration and Control by the Dean and/or Program Director of the Faculty.
Once the academic program is completed, the student is able to opt for the respective degree through the Legal Act called DEGREE.
To be presented by the Faculty, the student needs to meet all the requirements set as a student of the program in which they are enrolled.
Degree Requirements
- Have completed and passed all the subjects established in their study plan.
- Be Peaceful and Safe in all respects with the University of Sinú – Elías Bechara Zainúm.
- Submit and pass the tests determined in each Program.
- Have completed a residency at the Universidad del Sinú – Elías Bechara Zainúm – for not less than four (4) semesters. It only applies to external transfer students.
- Have passed sufficiency exams for a second language and Computer Science.
- Submit Test Results-Saber Pro.
- Procultura Stamp – Government of Bolívar
- Delivery Photocopy of the Identity Document extended to 150%
Diploma Duplicates
The request must be made through the mail , attaching the following documents.
- Duplicate request form filled out (sent from the mail of the Academic Registry office)
- Complaint of loss of the diploma or return of the deteriorated diploma
- Photocopy of the ID
- Payment flyer canceled for corresponding value.
This duplicate has a duration of 15 business days from the date of the request and the delivery of the duplicate is in the office of Admissions, Registration and Academic Control.
Note: If the Duplicate is not going to be received by the holder, he must authorize in writing the delivery of the same to the person designated, who must deliver a photocopy of the citizenship card to receive the duplicate.
Duplicate Certificate of Degree
The request must be made through the mail , attaching the following documents.
- Duplicate request form filled out (sent from the mail of the Academic Registry office)
- Complaint of loss of the diploma or return of the deteriorated diploma
- Photocopy of the ID
- Payment flyer canceled for corresponding value.
This duplicate has a duration of 15 business days from the date of the request and the delivery of the duplicate is in the office of Admissions, Registration and Academic Control.
Note: If the Duplicate is not going to be received by the holder, he must authorize in writing the delivery of the same to the person designated, who must deliver a photocopy of the citizenship card to receive the duplicate.
Solemn Degrees

Degree by Window

The time established between the Degree application and the Graduation date is 20 business days. The student will submit the Extraordinary Degree application to the Office of Admissions, Registration and Academic Control, complying with the requirements and Documents required by the program that grants the degree, and takes place in the Office of the Dean of the Program that is granting the degree
Degree Application
- Degree request at least 30 days before the date agreed for the ceremony, according to the official calendar.
- Paz y Salvo required by the Institution (financial, library, academic).
- Present the photocopy of the Citizenship Card and the Military Book.
- Pay the degree rights.
- Procultura Stamp – Government of Bolívar
In the event that you cannot claim the Diploma and Degree Certificate personally, you must send an authenticated authorization and a photocopy of your citizenship card and a photocopy of the citizenship card of the authorized person.
About Degree Options
Any student who, upon finishing academically at the Institution, had not taken the Degree Option that enables him to graduate, after two (2) years, must submit his request in writing to the respective Faculty Council, who will indicate the procedure to follow.
Marking of the Name in Diploma
In the marking of the Diploma, names and surnames will be taken as registered in the citizenship card.