Thinking about your well-being from the Sports and Recreation area, the Universidad del Sinú offers the gym service totally free for members of the University Community (students, teachers, administrators and graduates). Remember that before accessing our services you must fill out the registration form.


Para el Ingreso al Gimnasio  Debe Presentar el Carnet Institucional


    1. The gym facilities are for the exclusive use of the Unisinuana community, students, administrative staff, teachers and graduates.

    2. All users must register on the attendance sheet. You must register on the forms available at the Gym reception.

    3. The number of users registered per session depends on the characteristics and number of machines, therefore, access per session will be allowed according to the capacity of the space.

    4. When entering, each user must present their student or institutional card.

    5. The schedules established by the gym must be respected.

    6. Gym attendees must have good behavior and keep the composure required by their university status.

    7. Maintain a respectful and friendly treatment with the instructors.


The established hours to use the gym are as follows:

Monday to Friday from 6:00 am to 9:00 pm (continuous hours)

Saturdays from 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (continuous hours)


    1. Users must wear suitable sports clothing: t-shirt, shorts/sweatshirt/lycra/, socks and tennis shoes.

    2. It is mandatory to carry a personal towel.


    1. Eating or smoking is prohibited in sports spaces, with the exception of water and other hydrating drinks suggested for this activity.

    2. Sports teams may not move from one place to another, they must be kept in the places set by the administration. It is necessary to maintain the order of the implements, after their use they must be placed in the corresponding place.

    3. It is forbidden to remove material or equipment from the Gym.

    4. People with any symptoms of drunkenness or drug use are not allowed to enter, registering the case as a bad record and informing University Welfare.

    5. For no reason can you enter and remain without a shirt in the environment.

    6. Pets and children under 15 years of age are prohibited.

    7. The user must insure the materials and goods for their personal use. The loss of money and another element of value of the user will not be assumed by the university.

    8. Keep garbage in its place.

    9. Generating disorder within the facilities and any mistreatment behavior against officials and other users of the gym is prohibited.


Dear user, these rules are mandatory to ensure proper use and operation of the gym. Failure to comply with these provisions will result in expulsion from the premises and initiation of disciplinary actions as may be appropriate as a result of their behavior.

Contact us
More information - auxbienestar@unisinucarta