In alliance with the District Administrative Department of Health, DADIS and IPS Caminos, we held an academic conference to commemorate the world day for the prevention of cervical cancer, with the aim of developing capacities in the teams …
In commemoration of International Water Day, the School of Marine Biology developed an awareness day that seeks to highlight the great value of this natural resource and the necessary care for its conservation. The students and teachers of the…
Together with the Society of Engineers and Architects of Bolívar and other regional and international entities, the School of Civil Engineering held the event "Restoring and Preserving Our Cultural Footprints, Everyone's Duty!", an academic space allowed to deepen, through ...
With a comprehensive legal day, we closed the "Commemoration of the Month of Women", which allowed the awareness, attention, promotion of the rights of women, girls and adolescents of the insular corregimiento of Santa Ana on the Island of …
With the launch of this initiative, the University of Sinú, Elías Bechara Zainúm, Cartagena Section, on behalf of the private and educational sector and with the Government of Bolívar Primero from the public sector, commemorate the International Day of…
Two hundred and thirty people, mostly children, benefited from the fourth health conference held by the University of Sinú, Elías Bechara Zainúm, Cartagena Section, in alliance with the Development and Peace Corporation of the Canal del Dique y Zona …
With 65 offices destined not only for the provision of quality oral health services and specialized dentists, but also for the training of undergraduate students and future postgraduate students of the University of Sinú Elías Bechara Zainúm -sectional …
In an emotional ceremony held in the Saray Castilla de Bechara auditorium of the University of Sinú, Elías Bechara Zainúm, Cartagena Section, the graduation of the thirty-fourth promotion of professionals and specialists was held, of which …
“Educational Innovation. That was the central theme of the eighth edition of the International Summer School that was held in February to promote culture and internationalization of the curriculum. This activity was aimed at professionals in the area of…
En la Plaza de Banderas de la Sede Santillana de la Universidad del Sinú, se vivió el Primer Encuentro de Comparsas Unisinú 2021 en conmemoración a las Fiestas de Independencia de nuestra ciudad. Con música, baile y alegría las dependencias …