From the Academic Secretariat of the Faculty of Health and the Medicine program of the Universidad Sinú Seccional Cartagena, we make a special recognition to Dr. Ángel Paternina Caicedo, research professor at the School of Medicine, for his excellent academic work…
Under the coordination of the International Relations Area, the Global Village multicultural meeting was held, with the aim of making known and presenting to the university community the cultural, historical, political, economic, gastronomic and social elements of the students of…
At the Santillana campus of the Universidad del Sinú, Cartagena section, after three months of play, the emotions, plays and goals of the grand finale of the La Spiga Inter-Company Tournament were felt, leaving the …
“This is a reflexive, open and participatory event, where we summon the living forces of the institution to carry out a process of analysis and reflection on the pedagogical task. We are very interested in tracking and monitoring how we are …
Cartagena de Indias, May 23, 2022. With more than 2,800 visual assessments for children and young people from the educational institution and the delivery of 313 medicated lenses to date, the University of Sinú, Cartagena section, follows…