University Well-being of the University of Sinú – Cartagena Section is in charge of stimulating the integral development of the human being from the university context. Through our offer we seek to guarantee the permanent development of plans and programs aimed at meeting the needs of the Unisinuana community, with the provision of a personalized and organized service in accordance with educational laws and institutional policies, thus strengthening the integral development of our university community and sense of belonging to the Institution.
Bienestar Universitario has the following means of dissemination:
- Institutional WEB Page
- Facebook: Wellness Unisinú Cartagena
- Instagram : @bienestarunisisinctg
- University Welfare Department: dirbienestar@unisinucartagena.edu.co.
- Asistente de Bienestar Universitario: asistentebienestar@unisinucartagena.edu.co
- University Welfare Assistant: auxbienestar@unisinucartagena.edu.co