Open Chair Knowledge Society, Scientific Research Methodology, Biostatistics and Scientific Production.
Under the leadership of the research groups of the School of Dentistry, the Methodology of Scientific Research, Biostatistics and Scientific Production chair was held on April 15. The event in which more than 15 Universities participated, aims to promote research processes based on joint work between teachers, students and researchers.
The event had as its main speaker Dr. Víctor Díaz Professor, Researcher at the Andrés Bello University of Chile, who is the author of multiple scientific articles and academic texts, Bachelor of Biological Sciences, Master of Biological Sciences, Doctorate in Biological Sciences and Population Genetics human.
During the talk, the attendees clarified concerns and understood the generalities of this topic, seeking to generate an understanding of the need for the internationalization of curricula in the processes of scientific research methodology.
The organization and development of these processes is thanks to the teamwork of the Research Coordination of the Dentistry program, the Research Directorate of the Universidad del Sinú, the Universidad de Cartagena, the Universidad del Norte and the Universidad del Atlántico.
Invited Universities:
- University of Sinú mother house Montería
- Rafael Núñez University Corporation
- northern University
- Atlantic University
- Metropolitan University
- Autonomous University of Manizales
- Santiago de Cali University
- Pontifical Javeriana University
- Vision of the Americas University Foundation
- CECAR Caribbean University Corporation
- Andres Bello University
- National University of Trujillo Peru
- Autonomous University of Sinaloa
- University of Medical Sciences of Pinar del Río
- Santo Tomas University of Chile
With these types of alliances, the institution strengthens its social commitment, through the different research scenarios, seeking to generate knowledge in our academic community, thus stimulating progress in contributing to society.