Unisinú delivers glasses to children in the city
The University of Sinú, Elías Bechara Zainúm, Cartagena Section, through the Social Projection area and the School of Optometry, delivered glasses to children in Cartagena. This activity is carried out in agreement with the Dique Canal Development and Peace Corporation, Sepamive and the Charity Vision Foundation within the framework of the project “Paddling Together towards comprehensive care for returned Venezuelan and Colombian migrants”, Its objective is to improve the social and economic conditions of vulnerable families in Venezuela and Colombia. Thanks to this project, it was possible to impact eight different neighborhoods of the city.
The School of Optometry through its strategy "I want to see", benefited 27 Venezuelan children in visual screening and glasses were delivered to three of them, which, due to previous examinations, it was established that they deserved this treatment. The students, in addition to the deliveries, gave the appropriate instructions for the care of these glasses that will allow a better quality of life and academic performance of the beneficiaries.
These activities are aimed at strengthening the social projection that the University has, carrying a message of inclusion, ethical and moral principles when contributing socially to the development of the community.