Course – Evidence-Based Medicine (MBE)

mba_Mesa de trabajo 1

General objective:

Train medical professionals in the integration of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) as fundamental tools in the interpretation and contextualization of scientific literature from a critical perspective, and the perspective of humanizing their medical praxis.

Specific objectives:

  • Know the theoretical elements of Evidence-Based Medicine: evolution, methodology, PICO strategy, relevant aspects.
  • Know and apply the qualification systems of scientific evidence. Pyramid of evidence, GRADE evaluation system (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation).
  • Implement strategies for efficient search in electronic and indexed databases: PubMed, OVID, Embase, Cochrane Databse, among others.
  • Identify and understand measures of association and impact in epidemiology.
  • Apply strategies for critical reading of observational studies. Classification and utility according to the MBE.
  • Apply strategies for critical reading of diagnostic performance studies. Sensitivity and specificity. Contextualized application of low, medium and high technology tests.
  • Apply strategies for critical reading of randomized clinical trials (RCT). Qualification of the quality of the evidence in RCTs
  • Apply strategies for critical reading of systematic reviews of the literature and meta-analysis. Decision making based on the proper interpretation of systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

Health in Colombia reflects the complexities of a multicultural society with nuances defined by elements such as poor health education of the populations, a health system with limitations, and a geographical and climatic environment, among other variables, that contribute to the profile of health states -disease very typical of tropical regions. It is in this context that Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) becomes a fundamental tool, capable of integrating the knowledge and clinical experience of the professional, with the scientific evidence of clinical studies applying rigorous methodology and using mathematical tools that allow elucidating phenomena. biology hardly explained decades ago.

EBM is based on three fundamental principles: use evidence of high methodological quality; be necessary but not sufficient for decision-making (contextualize the patient's environment and the availability of resources); and provide a practical guide in making decisions about diagnostic tests, therapeutic alternatives or prognoses of a specific pathology.

To that extent, medical professionals require skills that allow them, first of all, to evaluate the scientific literature and understand the labyrinths of research. Second, understand the patient as part of the team in the control of the health-disease process. This means going beyond the purely biological, of understanding their environment, their needs, of the need to explain the alternatives and integrate them into the decision-making that directly concerns them, that is, humanizing medical practice, a rather scarce task in the running times.

Currently, professional competitiveness in the field of health sciences, both in the academic field and in public health or health administration, requires the investigative, academic and humanization component as an integral part of the professional at a global level.

In this sense, this course aims to satisfy some of the urgent needs in the national territory:

Professionals capable of integrating EBM as a fundamental tool in interpreting and contextualizing advances in medical science

Strengthen skills and competencies necessary to approach the scientific literature from a critical perspective, which allows understanding and interpreting the different research methodologies in health sciences, without losing the perspective of medicine as the art and science of caring for health. of the person.

Train clinical professionals in "self-learning" through virtual platforms as one of the skills required in the 21st century. ICTs are presented as a challenge and an opportunity for their training without limits. Physicians today require high-quality information-seeking and filtering skills in a fast and highly targeted manner.

Respond to the need for professionals capable of making EBM one of their fundamental tools in medical praxis, with a perspective of permanent updating in their scientific knowledge, a critical look at new proposals in their field of action and the practice of medicine " humanized” and co-responsibility with their patients.

The COURSE: Evidence-Based Medicine (MBE), is aimed at:

  • General practitioners, undergraduate and postgraduate Health students, territorial entities, research groups, people interested in the subject.

The curriculum of the course: Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) was developed by highly trained professionals with extensive experience in pedagogical training.

This program includes 7 modules in which each participant can study at their own pace and from anywhere, obtaining results that will increase their professional opportunities.

1) Concepts of Evidence-Based Medicine.
2) Evidence rating systems:
3) Efficient search in electronic databases.
4) Association and impact measures.
5) Critical reading of observational studies I.
6) Critical reading of observational studies II.
7) Critical reading of diagnostic test studies
8) Critical reading of randomized clinical trials
9) Critical reading of systematic reviews of the literature and meta-analysis

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