Day of Attention to the Migrant Population

From the area of Social Projection and Extension, the schools of Dentistry, Nutrition and Dietetics, Optometry, Psychology, Nursing and with our residents in the specialties of Internal Medicine, Pediatrics and Gynecology, in alliance with the Peace and Development Cooperation Foundation of the Canal del Dique, the Tenth Day of Attention to the Migrant Population was held; Its main objective is to provide medical services to Venezuelan migrant children, youth and adults residing in the city.
The beneficiaries were attended by our students and teachers, with the purpose of improving their health conditions and thus contributing a grain of sand in these prevention sessions. Likewise, they were given medications, oral kits and a general check-up.
“This is the second time that I attend the event with my children. Very grateful for the attention and happy that these spaces can provide us with people like me, who do not have the necessary resources to access an appointment or medication. Thank you University of Sinú!”. Commented Alicia Hocando, beneficiary.
As a philosophy of our institution, values are pursued in a collective construction, through the different scenarios of citizen participation, carrying a message of inclusion favoring unprotected communities in the city.

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