XXI Regional Symposium on Dental Research in the Caribbean and VII Regional Meeting of Research Hotbeds of the SIFO- ACFO Caribbean Node Network – 2022

Event that has been a space for academia, science, innovation, technology and culture for 20 years and unites the investigative efforts of the faculties of the Caribbean region committed to the development of dentistry as a profession at the service of humanity.
That is why, from the academy spaces are generated in society that are useful to reconfigure the theoretical, scientific and sociopolitical heritage, associated with the progress of humanity and continuously promotes social practice towards the achievement of welfare goals, especially in what corresponds to them as dentists in the fulfillment of the 2030 agenda with the objectives of sustainable development in daily practice as the axis of their development.
For our institution it is important to be the center of these events that make visible the strengthening of research at the Universidad del Sinú Seccional Cartagena and the Dentistry program, as a generator of spaces for interaction and reflection around the work of research.
We highlight the participation of the different universities in the region (Metropolitan University, University of Cartagena, University of Magdalena, University of Sinú Montería Headquarters and our Cartagena Headquarters, Rafael Núñez University Corporation and the University of the North), with the presentation of original works in oral presentation and presentation of clinical research cases, in addition to the SIFO-ACFO network seedbed Olympics.
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