VII Caravan of International Jurists
The School of Law and the Legal Office of the Universidad del Sinú, Cartagena Section, led the Seventh Caravan of International Jurists, with the aim of making visible the risky work of lawyers and human rights defenders, in defense and accompaniment of communities most affected by the armed conflict, allowing them to access social, environmental, Raizal and gender justice.
In the tour of the different courts, tribunals and associations of human rights defenders; The caravanists learned first-hand about the work of local authorities, such as the police, defense attorneys, legal representatives, among others, to learn about and identify facts related to human rights violations and the principle of judicial independence. In addition, different reports will be prepared with the facts verified and documented by the jurists as a product of these caravans in defense of the communities.
The current caravan was accompanied by a delegation of 18 lawyers from the United Kingdom, France, Holland, Italy, Switzerland, Mexico, Canada and the United States. Which are part of international organizations and associations that oversee the equality and equity of the most vulnerable communities around the world.