Within the framework of the strategies of the Internationalization Area of the Universidad del Sinú, Cartagena Section, fundamental visits were carried out last July for the global incorporation processes with institutions and organizations; For this reason, we received from the Fernández Vega Ophthalmological Institute of the University of Oviedo in Spain Dr. Jesús Meyaro, a strategic ally in strengthening research, development and innovation in Ophthalmology and vision sciences in cooperation with the Research Department and the Specialization in Ophthalmology of our institution.
At the same time, we worked with the executive director of Bill Pharma, Dr. Jordi Martínez, and Dr. Karina Jiménez, director of operations of one of the main technological development laboratories for health sciences in Europe, in order to generate alliances for the strengthening of technical capacities in technological infrastructure and applied research hand in hand with our schools of Medicine and Dentistry.
We also have the visit of the ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Tatang Budie Utama Razak; Minister of Defense Mr. Dino Nurwahyudin and Mr. Darmawan Tuha Delegate of the Cultural Section in Indonesia, with the aim of establishing the route of academic, cultural and economic cooperation for the development of collaborative projects under the articulating perspective of the University, the company , the state and civil society through culture, academic and scientific exchange as a platform for commercial development between the two nations, especially the Colombian Caribbean Region.
Finally, we were accompanied by the Hispanic Affairs Representative of Indiana University, Dr. JR Pico, from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, in order to advance with cultural exchange projects between Colombia and the United States, through the Preventive Health Area. and Community, which seeks to identify the social and cultural determinants that affect the public health of migrants. These two cooperations are committed to global health.
For the Universidad del Sinú, it is vitally important to create spaces like these that promote globalization processes for academic, cultural and scientific cooperation with world-renowned universities and institutions and that also have a positive impact on our collaborative learning processes.

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