At the Santillana campus of the Universidad del Sinú, Cartagena section, after three months of play, the emotions, plays and goals of the grand finale of the La Spiga Inter-Company Tournament were felt, leaving the Transport Plus sports team as champions, who with 2 goals for 1, they beat the local team UniSinú FC in the final.
Likewise, the third and fourth place was played where the Greater University Institution of Cartagena won 3 goals for 2 against the team of journalists.
David Acosta, captain of the Transport Plus team, commented: “we are very happy and grateful to the entire organization of the La Spiga Tournament, in gratitude of all my colleagues to the Universidad del Sinú for allowing us to have participated, we highlight the level of the teams and the organization of this great tournament”.

These spaces of well-being and integration through sport, allowed at each whistle to gather family, friends and co-workers in 80 minutes of play, in addition to giving the opportunity in this first edition to the participation of teams from Cartagena companies such as Juanautos El Cerro, Cotecmar, Solmecol SAS, Banca FC (team of bank employees), Mutual Ser and the Cartagena del Mar Clinic in healthy competition with the aim of promoting health, wellness and recreation in the city.
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