Newsletter 001

International Week Caribbean Region 2022
An intercultural and interdisciplinary look for Sustainable Development in Ibero-America.
This is the III version of the International Week 2022, an academic event that brings together several speakers of different nationalities, experts on the subject, to interact with academic communities from fifteen Higher Education Institutions -IES- of the Caribbean Region of Colombia.
The purpose of this academic event is to generate a participatory space where the issue of globalization and digitization of education will be addressed from the different edges of knowledge; as a main path that leads to the path of sustainable development, stimulating the strengthening of interdisciplinary links in its three fundamental pillars: economic, social and environmental.
The new version of the International Week will be developed under the hybrid modality. On Monday, May 2 of the current year, the inaugural act will be held in person at the UNITECNAR facilities, in the Dionisio Vélez White auditorium, in Cartagena; It will be attended by the main authorities of the different participating universities, including the coordination of the Colombian Network for the Internationalization of Higher Education -RCI- Caribbean Node of ASCUN.
The academic meeting offers a full agenda, which will be established by the German professor Dr. Markus Meier, with the conference: The role of pedagogy and university teaching in favor of sustainable development in Latin America; immediately afterwards, we will be accompanied by the professor from Argentina, Dr. Mariana Tezón, who will present the paper: "Sustainable human development, a path towards quality and educational inclusion" and, the closing of the morning session, will be in charge of the Brazilian professor, Dr. Melina Evelin Sifuentes Mena Da Silva, dealing with the subject of bilingualism. In the afternoon, two virtual events will be held by experts from Ecuador and Mexico.
It is necessary to highlight that the academic conferences included in the agenda from May 2 to 6, will be held in person, in the different participating university institutions, mainly in Cartagena and Barranquilla; and includes different cultural activities; and it will be broadcast virtually via YouTube and Facebook, from the official accounts of the Caribe-RCI Node.
The cities promoting the event with participating HEIs are: Barranquilla – Universidad del Atlántico, Americana, Simón Bolívar, CUL Latin American University Corporation, UNICORSALUD; Cartagena – University of Cartagena, Rafael Núñez University Corporation, University of Sinú Cartagena sectional, UNITECNAR; Sincelejo – CECAR; University of Sinú, Montería campus; Valledupar and Guajira: University of Santander, University of La Guajira and INFOTEP San Juan del Cesar; San Andrés and Providencia, INFOTEP Archipelago. Finally, it is important to point out that this initiative is part of one of the actions promoted by the RCI, a network that brings together the country's international relations offices, in order to encourage interaction between national and international teachers and researchers, so that they can share and transfer knowledge to academic communities to work together on solutions to the main problems we face as a society.