Cartagena moves towards a future free of cervical cancer

ANDn alliance with the District Administrative Department of Health, DADIS and IPS Caminos, we held an academic conference to commemorate the world day for the prevention of cervical cancer, with the aim of developing capacities in care teams and in other actors of the system, as a guarantee of effective care for the population suffering from this disease.
Milena Hernández Siado, director of the School of Medicine of the University of Sinú, Elías Bechara Zainúm, Cartagena branch stated that “Within the framework of the policies of our educational project at the University of Sinú, we emphasize promoting scientific and technological development in humanity in the city and in the region. These events where we articulate ourselves with all the state, territorial, national, private entities and the academy are spaces for the social appropriation of knowledge and the product of scientific research that contribute to the solution of the problems of the community in general, where the objective in common is to generate a culture of prevention and promote access to medicines and treatments”.
For her part, Ana Margarita Sánchez, operational director of public health at DADIS, said that “Cervical cancer is the second leading cause of mortality from this disease in Colombia and therefore it is necessary to join forces among all actors in order to overcome this scourge”.
Cervical cancer is a disease with a long natural history, which is why it offers multiple opportunities for intervention throughout a woman's life through effective primary and secondary prevention strategies together with adequate diagnostic and therapeutic management of cases, including access to palliative care.