School of Systems Engineering Path to Accreditation
The School of Systems Engineering, with the accompaniment and support of the quality assurance office of the Universidad del Sinú Seccional Cartagena, has been advancing in the High Quality Accreditation process for its Systems Engineering programs for preparatory cycles and the Program of Technology in Management of Information Systems and Computer Networks since the first period of 2020.
Among the activities carried out are: Raising awareness among teachers, graduates, and students about the importance of the process and its phases. Socialization was achieved at 100% for disciplinary teachers, 75% for students and 15% for graduates through the Webex platform.
This significant process has had the decisive participation of the teachers who belong to the Self-Assessment Committee María Claudia Bonfante Rodríguez, Luis Blanquicett Benavides, Eugenia Arrieta Rodríguez, John Arrieta Arrieta, Wilson Moscote Casseres, and Luis Fernando Murillo, who supported the weighting of the accreditation factors and in the compilation of the objective evidence that supports each one of the evaluated indicators.
Subsequently, the evaluation instruments were applied to the main actors and also an employer, teachers from the different training areas, area heads and managers, which will come to build a report with the accreditation results and filed on June 30. before the platform of the National Accreditation Council (CNA).