Unisinú Academic Monitors

In order to influence the training of future teachers and stimulate students with excellent academic performance, the University of Sinú Elías Bechara Zainúm, Cartagena Section, last Saturday, March 7, gave an induction and held the University Teaching Seminar for monitors students who were designated for the current academic cycle.
The act was preceded by the Academic Director of the Institution, Dr. Galo Armando Lara Coronel, and was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, the Directors of the different Schools and the Heads of the Disciplinary Area.
The appointment of monitor is an honor for the student, and as such, they are allowed to participate in teaching processes or research projects, through activities that contribute to their professional and personal training.
Through student monitors, the University encourages the participation of students with excellent academic performance, providing them with opportunities to discover and cultivate their teaching, research and social service vocation, with the purpose of contributing to the comprehensive education of students.
A total of 49 students were designated by Rectoral Resolution No. 014 of March 2 of this year as monitors for the 2061 academic year; Next, we present the monitors by Academic Program:
1) Propedeutic: Angélica Montenegro Gómez
2) Propaedeutic: Miguel Elías Babilonia Morelo
3) Propaedeutic: Laurent Redondo Athias
4) Biology, Microbiology, Propaedeutics: Jesús Andrés Morales Correa
5) Propaedeutic, Anatomy: Ronald Steven Fernández Vásquez
6) Histology, Biochemistry: Daniela Orozco García
7) Propaedeutics, Morphology: Luis Eduardo Negrete Fuentes
8) Pathophysiology: Eliana Herbales Martínez
9) Propaedeutic: Daniela Andrea Pacheco Pérez
10) Propedeutic: Randy Steven Trujillo Caro
11) Propaedeutic: Cristian Camilo Peluffo Sign
12) Propaedeutics, Microbiology: Andrés David Arias Romero
13) Propaedeutic: Jaime Andrés Mozo Palencia
14) Propaedeutic: Abraham Moisés Posada Hurtado
15) Propaedeutic: Julián Córdoba Bertel
16) Propaedeutic: Efer Amdi Rieder Garrido
17) Physiology: Efer Amdi Rieder Garrido
18) Propaedeutic: José David Sáenz López
19) Propaedeutic: José de Jesús Bohórquez Rivera
1) Adult Clinic IV: Biliardo Javil Ríos Jiménez
2) School Clinic I: Adriana Marcela Badel Romero
3) School Clinic I: Víctor Javier Ferrer Amaris
1) Basic Optometry III: Jhon Mailer Atencio Sánchez
2) Basic Optometric Clinic: Jhon Mailer Atencio Sánchez
3) Basic Optometric Clinic: Javier José Arnedo Zúñiga
4) Optometry, Pediatric and Geriatric: Keivis Quintero Meza
1) Propedeutic: Iris Gómez Díaz
2) Psychometrics: Eileen Cisneros Ferrer
1) Interdisciplinary Elective I: Gabriela Patricia Díaz Mercado
2) Deepening Elective: Jesús Manuel Julio Torres
1) Basic Mathematics: Melissa García Anaya
2) Accounting and Public Budget: Angie Martínez Chamorro
3) Financial Mathematics: Javier Eduardo Simancas Navarro
4) Financial Resources Management I: Javier Eduardo Simancas Navarro
5) Accounting Processes: Yenis Carolina Tapias Acuña
6) Management Accounting: Paula Andrea Pérez Cuadrado
7) Financial Mathematics: Dairo José Mercado Pérez
8) Financial Resources Management II: Nubis Julio Zúñiga
9) Management Accounting: Nelson Baldiris Luna
10) Financial Accounting: Descyreth Valdés Estrada
11) Management Accounting: José Miguel Sánchez González
1) Business English V: Kevin Alfonso Alvarez Ring
2) Basic Mathematics: Olga Lucia Ibarra Sierra
1) Legal Research: Yosiris Sierra Brango
2) Obligations: Felix Junior Perez Pacheco
3) People: Jhon Neider Galan Blanco
4) Research Foundations: Yosiris Sierra Brango
5) Society and Family: Jheferson Iván Marriaga Rodríguez
6) General Procedural: Luisa Fernanda Pajaro Pertuz
7) Family: Jheferson Iván Marriaga Rodríguez