The University celebrated International Asperger Syndrome Day with a conference.

The University of Sinú Sectional Cartagena, launched a discussion on the clinical specialty that deals with the Neurological and Psychological field in people with different cognitive conditions, such as Autism and Asperger's.
The discussion was held thanks to the initiative of the University Welfare Department, as a commitment to inclusion and student permanence at Universidad Del Sinú. The talk, likewise, was held with the aim of raising awareness in the community regarding the Autistic spectrum, in addition, through it knowledge was obtained related to the way in which students and teachers should treat children or adults who present such cognitive disorders or syndromes.
Yanin Santoya Montes who is a Neuropsychologist, and a specialist in the subject, was in charge of directing this informative day. Within his speech he maintained that cognitive diseases occur through genetic reasons, just as others are produced by the environment in which we are immersed.
During the talk, the hypothesis was maintained that the first disorders originate during the sixth month of pregnancy, and that they also manifest when children begin to develop and grow. Among the interesting phrases cited by the speaker is the one that says: “We don't have to be experts on autism, nor do we have to go to great lengths to include the other, we just have to be close and genuinely interested, but never indifferent”.
Through these educational sessions, it is intended to keep students informed, taking into account the participation of specialists and professionals who share different knowledge to train and educate.