XXXIII Colombian Congress of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation
The Postgraduate Anesthesiology of the Universidad del Sinú, Cartagena Section, participated in the XXXIII Colombian Congress of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation that was held in recent days in the city of Bucaramanga. The residents of this medical-surgical specialty participated with the posters: “Propofol Improves the Functionality of Natural Killer Cells of Peripheral Blood in Cancer Patients” and “Make Checklists: Does it matter or not in Obstetric Patients? Number of cases.".
The Colombian Society of Anesthesiology holds this academic meeting every two years, which on this occasion received 1,574 national and 124 international attendees from countries such as Argentina, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Japan, Australia, among others; providing a space for discussion, workshops, conferences, talks, community activities and editorial publications.
It is worth highlighting the successful contribution of doctors Daniela Agudelo Lopera, Richard Adiee Villafañe, Joseph Ucros Carrillo, Francisco López Vidales, Juan Carlos Mendoza Vargas and Andrea Modera Hernández, second-year residents of the Anesthesiology specialty at our institution, who stood out for their development of their research projects.