The School of Systems Engineering, within the framework of the cooperation agreement with the Casa de Amigos Con Alcance Mundial Corporation and within the Social project "Use and Appropriation of ICT in Vulnerable Communities", carried out the Digital Literacy workshop with the assistance of thirteen elderly beneficiaries of the entity.
The older adults, who for the first time participated in this type of practical workshop, were able to learn about the basic functionalities of the computer, email creation, Internet management and how to access the different websites.
This workshop is the starting point to minimize the digital gap in adults, obtaining the minimum skills necessary to manage the computer and the Internet, and also promoting the use of technologies to motivate and transform their lives. These types of activities are an example of the most significant strategies that the Corporation has been implementing with adult users of its services.
Dr. Érica Martínez, Director of the Casa de Amigos Con Alcance Mundial Corporation, expressed her gratitude for the accompaniment and support received by the teaching team, volunteer students and administrators of the School of Systems Engineering of the University of Sinú, Cartagena Sectional.