nutrition on social media
In the auditorium of the Santillana Headquarters of the University of Sinú - Elías Bechara Zainúm, the presentation and inaugural speech of the new director of the School of Nutrition, Dr. Gildardo Uribe Gil, was carried out, who shared with the students of this program the conference: “Fake News of the Nutrition”.
Throughout his career, Dr. Gildardo Uribe Gil has served as President of the Colombian Association of Faculties and Nutrition Programs of Colombia, Director and Professor of the School of Nutrition and Dietetics of the University of Antioquia, Professor of the University Luis Amigó and the Catholic University of the East. In addition, he has stood out as manager of hospitals, private companies in the health and food sector; He has been coordinator of Food Safety programs, researcher in the area of public nutrition, among other fields that certify his expertise and knowledge in nutrition.
In the company of the faculty, directors, special guests, graduates and students from the different semesters of the School of Nutrition and Dietetics, the talk "Fake News of the Nutrition" led by its director, who explained in a timely manner how networks Social networks and the media have created improper strategies for the dissemination of food mechanisms, and in which their sole purpose is to market products without caring about the health and well-being of the general public.
With these new methods of digital marketing, Fake News or false news is considered a disorienting guide that transforms food into fashion and creates a problem in the future thanks to the dissemination of inadequate nutrition practices.
Dr. Gildardo Uribe highlighted the importance of holding this type of event with students and expressed: “When directors, administrators and deans interact with students, a commitment is generated between the administration and the student body; institutional credibility is generated, because students know, know and trust that academics are in good hands and in general terms they have professors capable of answering all questions, and they will feel that when they graduate from school, college and university supports."

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