The Spanish for Foreigners course is focused on the development of the linguistic and grammatical skills to acquire a better command of the language. It intends to offer a comprehensive study plan with a theoretical and practical approach that requires a level of prior competence as the central axis, since the courses are designed under the agreements of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL), which ensures the ability or learning, teaching as well as the evaluation of levels offered in this course. For this reason, the levels that will be offered are: A1, A2, B1, B2, each one with their respective required workload.
For that matter, this course is developed so that foreign students learn a new language such as Spanish, living an experience with the advantage of being in an environment where they can immediately put the acquired knowledge into practice. In that sense, A touristic city as Cartagena de Indias (considered by UNESCO as Historical Heritage of Humanity) is a perfect place to learn the Spanish language
Likewise, the development of the course is oriented at the observation, interpretation and fluency of the Spanish language, since this will allow students who decide to take the course to acquire a pragmatic and linguistic knowledge of the language having as an added value that it is one of the most important languages and with that the possibility for better opportunities in the international context is facilitated.

- To develop all necessary competences for the use of Spanish the language
- To achieve the development of communicative, linguistic, sociolinguistic and pragmatic competencies as well as to help improve labor opportunities.
- To understand the main and secondary ideas of different speaking, listening, reading and writing in Spanish.
- To apply communicative development making use of different times, arguing points of view and describing experiences and times.
A1 Module: A1.1 Module: A1.2 |
Level of training in the language | 96 |
A2 Module: A2.1 Module: A2.2 |
Level of training in the language | 96 |
B1 Module: B1.1 Module: B1.2 |
Level of training in the language | 96 |
B2 Module: B2.1 Module: B2.2 |
Level of training in the language | 96 |
C1 Module: C1.1 Module: C1.2 |
Level of training in the language | 96 |
C2 Module: C2.1 Module: C2.2 |
Level of training in the language | 96 |
Información de contacto:
Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales – PBX: (57) 6517013 Ext 3410 – 3411
Avenida al Bosque Transversal 54 N° 30 – 453 – Sede Santillana – Cartagena de Indias, D. T y C – Bolívar, Colombia.